So im looking to get from Panama City to Quito as quick as possible to hit up the Galapagos Islands, this leaves a flight as the best option ... which airline would be the cheapest option?
Probably Avianca, now part of Taca try to get a ticket Quito/Galapagos Islands/return Quito online you best use services of travel agency while in Panama.
also Copa Air Panama
if you live in USA, departing USA, try the Latin Travel air Consolidator with toll free US number for service
As far as I can see from the your only option is with Copa Airlines.
You might even choose Guayaquil, if it works out to be cheaper when flying to Galapagos from there.
Dear Makka.
Your best option is COPA airlines, try to book to Guayaquil, instead of Quito, you can get a direct flight to Baltra in Galapagos from there, it would e cheaper than flying from Quito to Galapagos.
Nicaragua is one of my favorite countries in Central America, Panama has a lot to offer, is more than just the Panama Canal.
Galapagos is fantastic, you will love it. Try to explore the mainland of Ecuador, Mindo is beautiful.
Thanks alot for all your input guys, super helpfull, and a few directions i could go in .... but with all flights looking at the $500 mark, ive decided to take a boat from Panama to Colombia and then plan to head from Cartagena to Equador ... can i get a direct bus from there straight through to Equador or will i need to head to the Colombian capital and change there?
Also with regards to my Galapagos adventure, booking a cruise from a respectable agent in Quito, which includes flights would be my best option, correct?
Nicaragua is an amazing country indeed, so far Costa Rica is hitting the 'so so' bar ... alittle exspensive for my liking so will fast forward to Panama pretty soon, some Volcan Baru, Boca Del Toros, Santa Elena & Panama canal action to follow ...
Im guessing i can inquire about sail boats leaving Panama untill im in Panama city?

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