I've been trying to find out how I get from South America to New Zealand in the cheapest way possible. I've been quoted a tourist price of $1777 per person. It wouldn't cost a tenth of that for the same distance elsewhere.
Have a look as they often offer cheap fares between Buenos Aires and Auckland.
They're the airline that quoted $1777. Heyho. Keep looking.
Is that $US and is that one- way or return?
-edit- I've just had a look on Expedia.co.nz and juding by the crazy fares I've just been quoted I presume you mean $NZ and one way. I paid $1400 return in October and Expedia have just quoted a single at $1600 and return at well over $2k. What date are you hoping to leave South America? It may be a case of just waiting to see if any of the airlines have any special offers as I can't see prices going up any further; I've never seen them that high.
[ 09-Feb-2010, at 00:18 by bex76 ]
My target date is to leave the UK October this year and take 6 months to get to the bottom of S America which is about early summer 2011. As airlines don't go that far ahead I'm going by current prices. Also, although they quote in dollars, they aren't specifying which country's dollars, so I'm assuming american.
Ask for specific route info and specific dates - I think you'd get more help!
I do think this is one of those cases where round trip would be quite a bit cheaper than OW!
I suggest you stay off of Aerolineas Argentinas - one of the worst
[ 11-Feb-2010, at 17:32 by Daawgon ]
It wouldn't cost a tenth of that for the same distance elsewhere.
Do you know how far it is?
6,026 miles / 9,698 km NZ-Chile
Where would a person find a flight that long for $170?
Curious mind wants to know.
I suggest you stay off of Aerolineas Argentinas - one of the worst
I agree they are an awful airline - by far the worst I have ever flown with, but they can offer some really cheap deals. Also as the flights between BA and Auckland are overnight it's not as bad as a 13 hour flight with virtually non-existent service and no individual in-flight entertainment screens would be normally.

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