Trip Planner glitch.

Hi. I have been checking out routes and prices on Travellerspoint's 'Trip Planner' RTW tickets.
Once a route has been planned, it seems to have a mind of it's own and adds on cities that aren't mentioned. Also has anyone looked at their RTW prices? Rather expensive I thought.

Hmm, interesting. In case you hadn't realized, the system is powered by a different company (selling RTW tickets is not really our specialty ), so I'd be happy to check what's going on with them. Were you using the Flash version or the html version?

I think the prices are probably quite dependent on route, and starting point. I'm not 100% sure for example if they would at all be able to compete with UK based companies (they are based in the US) who specialize in this kind of ticket. For all the technology in the world, ticketing systems and airline rules and regulations don't seem to have advanced much beyond 1970 if you ask me...

I was using Flash. It seemed to be quite impressive to start with, but then at the end of the planned route which you map out yourself, it added on a few extra bits. I did as an example.... London, Moscow, Nairobi, Mumbai, Mexico City, N.Y. and back to London. It conveniently threw in Jo'burg, and L.A. The price was astronomical, even in US$.
Never mind eh? Just an experiment and thanks for your comments.

Got some feedback re why the cities were added in. Quoting here

The added cities are “helper” cities. When TripPlanner prices a trip we look through thousands of individual fares and for some locations there is no direct flights. TripPlanner will add gateway or “helper” cities into the route to either make the connection or it may be cheaper to travel through one of the “helper” cities.

In the route listed below, there are not direct flights from Mumbai to Mexico City so Jo’burg and LA needed to be added to make the route complete.

Hope that makes sense!

I wouldn't book through them anyway, far too expensive. But your wise words are welcomed and it's good advice for others, thanks again.

Trip Planner glitch.

Trip Planner glitch.

Trip Planner glitch.

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