How do you prepare for a travel abroad?

More and more people are traveling nowadays. I'd like to ask some tips on how one should prepare for travels abroad.

Posting on the Travellerspoint travel forums is as good of a start as any

Got vaccination for sure.
Pack light. There is nothing you can't get in other countries except your passport.

Get another bank account and split your money between the two. This way if you lose one card you still have access to some money on the other, then you can transfer the funds from the stolen card to your other. Safe travels.

You can make a list like:

Before departure:

Search about the place you are going to visit.
Learn basic things in their language.
make a travel insurance
use a money belt,
dont forget your ID and passport etc.
pack only the clothes you need (for 2-3 usage at least), prefer confortable clothes
two pairs of shoes are enough in most cases.

Once you arrive:
dont drink water from the tab, use bottled or boiled water
pay attantion to social customs
put your money in several different places

check your list and you are ready!

by the way, inform some people, your family, friends about your trip and where you are going to be. Have some phone numbers for imergency.

So you have chosen a place or region to travel.. I agree with the other posters about researching before you go, however in saying that have a rough plan on areas u would like to see/visit, always leave some time to be spontaneous and don't research so heavily that you have a day by day itinerary on how your trip is set up. Theres something about traveling to a country and being pleasantly surprised by experiences/places, you should always leave a little mystery before you travel (if that makes any sense..).

However in saying that, if ur crossing borders or traveling to countries where there is a history of unrest/violence, always be prepared; get ur visas in order and read up on forums such TP and TT and when ur on these forums don't be scared to post questions or interact with other members.. search the internet for accommodation for the first couple of nights that you enter the country.

Be realistic with your traveling time, don't have lofty goals and try to see everything at once..

You know sometimes misadventures can lead to memorable experiences, however don't take unnecessary risks, remember u do have to return in order to recount your amazing adventures..

Take care and safe travels..

I usually prepare for my journeys by talking a walk past any Government building where hundreds or people are busy at work inside. I make a point of peering in through the window to see all those people behind their neat desks, in their own private(ish) couple of square metres and I'm ready to travel...

I know it's cruel but I really apprecite my time away all the more when I think about how lucky I am.

First of all select the place to visit.
Then search and research, climate, language, attractive place, where to stay at the selected place.
Prepare budget, necessary things to start the journey.

How do you prepare for a travel abroad?

How do you prepare for a travel abroad?

How do you prepare for a travel abroad?

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