Travel for Cosmetic Surgery

I'm just wondering if anyone has had experience, good or bad, with travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery?

I would never do it no matter how much cheaper it was. Don't know what you want to have done but I've had rhinoplasty and lipo. Until you've had surgery, you have no idea how hard recovery can be. I can't imagine being in a foreign country for a few days and then have to take a long flight home where I am totally on my own if anything goes wrong. I had several followup appointments with my surgeon to check on things, something you won't get. How do you check on the surgeon's qualifications in another country? Do they have the same standards? Not saying surgeons there aren't as good as American or European doctors but there are so many stories of cheap surgery done in these countries by quacks, I would never do it. You can't hide a bad cosmetic surgery result and you can never fully repair a bad surgery. Forget about suing the doc that wrecked you forever.

I'm just wondering if anyone has had experience, good or bad, with travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery?

Are there any good books or other resources that you can recommend?

I would be interested in your experiences in South America or Southeast Asia.

S Korea. It is the Kingdom!

u get little or no post-operative care as well!

I'm just wondering if anyone has had experience, good or bad, with travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery?

Are there any good books or other resources that you can recommend?

I would be interested in your experiences in South America or Southeast Asia.

S Korea. It is the Kingdom!

It is indeed!

I agree with Laurim #2. Although I haven't travelled abroad for cosmetic surgery, if I was going to have surgery of that nature, I would feel far safer having it done in my own country. When having an operation of any kind, you want to feel, and know you are not alone and can ring the doctor, or hospital for any questions/reasons, or to put to bed any uncertainties that may exist, both before and after the surgery.

I wouldn't feel this were I to have it done overseas. If there were any complications you'd be on your own.

Thanks for all your replies. I do understand this would be risky. Maybe I need to hear more horror stories to completely talk myself out of it!

Hasn't anyone had a positive experience?

Yes I have had surgery abroad (Thailand) and at home too. I found it better abroad as your money stretches further, thus you can afford to pay for a 24 hour nurse and all the post care you want/feel that you need. Plus where better to recover than on a lovely beach in nice weather and you can fly home and just pretend you have been on holiday!

Travel for Cosmetic Surgery

Travel for Cosmetic Surgery

Travel for Cosmetic Surgery

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