Whats the Thailand and Laos of SA

Thailand, everybody comes to Bangkok

Just to say....I don't want to do that comparison. In fact, I'm against it. Places are themselves. They are not anywhere else.

[ 01-May-2010, at 21:49 by Piecar ]

Its more like economics and not cultural...

Nations are always compared and through the discipine of comparative studies...

Hainan is said to be the Hawaii of Asia.

Shanghai is supposedly, the Paris of the Orient. If that is really true, then Paris is the most over rated city in the world.

Peru and Ecuador are similar, although the food is not as good as S.E.A. Argentina is a little more expensive at the same time the food is great, although beaches are not as good there.

Whats the Thailand and Laos of SA

Whats the Thailand and Laos of SA

Whats the Thailand and Laos of SA

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