Santiago to La Paz? Fly or overland?

I'm planning to go from Australia to Bolivia next April... But there are no direct flights, I can only get to Santiago.. And the connecting flight is really expensive.. I'm not sure whether to go overland to La Paz or fly... What would be cheaper? I haven't got a lot of spare time.. and I'm not sure how long it would take..
Any suggestions?

It's definately cheaper to go overland instead of flying.
You might check the options to fly to Santa Cruz in central Bolivia by the way, just to make sure. It's at lower elevation and you can slowly go up to prevent from altitude sickness.

Overland, the route is Santiago via Arica to La Paz, I don't think there is a direct bus. Santiago to Arica is about 25 hours or so, Arica to La Paz something like 6-7 hours, mostly leaving during the morning.
So it will take some of your time unfortunately.

Overland sounds knackering but exciting
Do you know if there are any trains?
And any ideas on prices of buses going overland?
Sorry Im using you as an encyclopedia..

No problem, that's what the forum is all about
Still, I don't have a clue, but I would guess that for the total trip it would probably be in the 60-80 dollar range, so about 50-60 GBP. Much more would suprise me!

you may take a flight to Calama, and from there you can go overland. It should save a lot of hours and the cost of the flight tickets can be as low as around 80 USD

Santiago to La Paz? Fly or overland?

Santiago to La Paz? Fly or overland?

Santiago to La Paz? Fly or overland?

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