NZ WHV Tax Code

Gone_away has indicated that this thread is about New Zealand

Contractors don't benefit from declaring a false tax code as whatever is being declared, they will have to pay that required amount to Inland Revenue.

According to the , CAE is used for "casual agricultural employees". M would be for most people working full-time although IRD's definition is "have only one job". This does seem a bit ambiguous but I would think if you're working in the agricultural sector and is there for seasonal work, then CAE would apply as it fits the definition 100%.

check the IRD website - and there is a part and on the back of the tax form, to work out what tax code you should be. I'm sure thje contractor is giving correct info, but youa re resposible to fill in forms correctly . ignorance is no excuse in law so do your homework .

The problem is that, within the same pack house that my friends are working at, those who are under the contractor had CAE as their tax code, those who are not under the contractor had M. They are doing the same work...

CAE is the right tax code, not M, we are doing casual agriculture work

NZ WHV Tax Code

NZ WHV Tax Code

NZ WHV Tax Code

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