Help - My Blog Template Is Different From The Example

Being a Blogger and having several blogs already, and noticing that Travellerspoint has blogs, I decided to start one. Looked at the template examples, clicked on that little thingy that makes it enlarge - saw the one I liked, and chose it.

I'm wondering if you are talking about the "preview" version of your blog entry? That will appear with the left-hand sidebar just as it does on a forum or wiki page. (Does that sidebar say Forums, Travel Guide, Accommodation, etc?) Once the entry is published, regardless of the template you've chosen, there should be no left-hand sidebar. Everything should appear on the right-hand side of the page. (The preview does not display the template background either.)

I've just done a test using my own blog and various templates (including postcard, which is my default template these days). Once published, no left-hand sidebar appears. Everything is to the right.

Forgot to mention, save your first entries as a draft and just do a "test" entry and publish it. You'll be able to delete that one from your manage this blog without screwing up the good stuff.

[ 28-Apr-2010, at 09:58 by Isadora ]

Thanks for clearing that up Isadora. Yes, it was the preview one I was referring to. It's good to know that once I've posted a post the sidebar will be on the right - where all good sidebars should be in my opinion. I'll do a 'draft' as you suggest. Does it save in draft, then when you publish is there still a draft as well?


The problem - my template has the sidebar on the left-hand side but the example one had it on the right-hand side. I'm used to sidebars on the right side (all my other blogs are like that) and I would like to know how to fix this problem please. If it's any help, I selected the Postcard template.

Nothing to worry, the Postcard one has the navigation on the right. It's probably because there is no entry yet that the navigation 'floats' over to the left, but once you've added an entry, it will move it over. It will basically end up looking like

Thanks for clearing that up Isadora. Yes, it was the preview one I was referring to. It's good to know that once I've posted a post the sidebar will be on the right - where all good sidebars should be in my opinion. I'll do a 'draft' as you suggest. Does it save in draft, then when you publish is there still a draft as well?


Basically, yes. On the blog management page, you can choose OVERVIEW which will allow you to either edit or just view the finished product for every entry. Under the "MANAGE" you have the edit option (no view option) but that's also the page from where you can delete an entry if needed. (Deleting just requires checking the check box for an entry, scrollng to the bottom and clicking delete.)

You always have the ability to edit the posts since you are the owner of the blog.

Isa is pleased!! She was able to answer a blog question correctly! Maybe customizing my template won't be such a challenge after all... Okay, wishful thinking on my behalf...

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Isa beats Sam to the punch!!! It's okay, I love you anyway!!

Good luck building your blog, Araluen!!

(Isa now returns this thread to it's originally scheduled topic.)

Help - My Blog Template Is Different From The Example

Help - My Blog Template Is Different From The Example

Help - My Blog Template Is Different From The Example

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