I was hoping somebody could help me, when travelling a long time (i.e. months to years) how do people stay healthy especially in the tropics.
Don't know about malaria - I've never been to the tropics, or even traveled a long time. Problems I have had though, in my limited escapades, are dehydration/mild heatstroke, altitude sickness and sore feet. Altitude sickness I had very little control over, but the other two I had, yet did nothing. So, drink water before you get thirsty. Never underestimate the sun. Be careful to look after your feet by trimming nails and wearing shoes that fit. Boring, I know.
Should add - stay as clean as you can. No offense intended.
[ 04-May-2010, at 11:27 by fabyomama ]
no offence taken, thanks for the advice those are some of the others problems i had not considered.
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