s america for 6 mnths, female alone is this ok??? how much??

Hi I am contimplating traveling S America alone, I am a 28 female and have traveled India, Nepal, S E Asia and Australia. Would I be ok, I have heard it is very unsafe. Also how much money would I need. Would 5000 british pounds be enough?? I can live fairly basicaly but want to be able to do all the intesting things I would like to do!!

I've met several girls who travelled South America on their own without any problems. The worst I've heard is that you're likely to face the occasional bout of unwanted attention from inebriated men. Assuming a reasonable amount of common sense (which should be a safe assumption given your previous travel experience), the only country in South America I'd personally be hesitant about is Colombia.
I'd say 5000 pounds should be enough, though perhaps just a bit on the low side - you should be able to travel around for five months easily with that, but for the sixth month you might need to go without some of the activities which you'd otherwise like to do. Really depends on how frugally you'll live, and which specific countries you'll visit for how long; some are a bit more expensive than others.

Contrary to the uninformed advice above Colombia is one of the safer destinations in South America.

Contrary to the uninformed advice above Colombia is one of the safer destinations in South America.

Curiously enough it's the only South American country for which still feels it necessary to give a travel warning:

Travel in Colombia outside metropolitan areas, especially in the south, is considered dangerous. Guerrilla movements including FARC and ELN guerrillas are still operational in the jungle areas and rural areas in the south, particularly in the jungle regions near the Ecuadorian, Peruvian, Brazilian and Venezuelan borders. These groups frequently target locals and occasionally foreign visitors, sometimes for attacks but especially for kidnapping. The U.S. State Department, U.K. Foreign Office and the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have renewed their annual travel advisory for Colombia, and continue to recommend against all non-essential travel to large swaths of the country.

I do realize that the situation has improved a lot in recent years, hence me merely saying that I'd be hesitant about it (meaning: would recommend doing thorough research before travelling there), rather than outright recommending against it.

What is it that makes many (which?) other South American countries that much more dangerous, according to you?

Anyone with any axe to grind can edit Wikitravel to say anything they want-the place is notorious and for all intents and purposes worth the paper it's written on.

I think your money is fine for your stay. If you need help in Peru, just let me know. the capital of PEru is Lima, and Lima has beautiful places to visit and also places ugly but they don't have anything interesting to see. Cusco, is really nice city, god restaurants and pubs with alive rock music and of course friendly people. Let me know when will you be here in Peru.

I LOVE Colombia. But, fine. Follow the advice of the travel advisory. The fewer people who go there, the better. It'll keep it the same when I return.

I've lived there. Sam's lived there. Don't fight FARC and you're fine.

I've found lone travelling women all over SA, and few report any real trouble. I find female travellers to be far more independent and adventurous by and large, and that's all over the world. Don't put yourself in a situation where things can go bad. Keep your wits about you. Don't get drunk and expect new "friends" to take care of you. Be Safe.

So go buy your peasant skirt and headscarf (the unofficial uniform of the young female traveller) and have an adventure. Good Luck Out There.


[ 29-Apr-2010, at 06:52 by Piecar ]


first of all contrary to lots of reports trying to scare people, South America is a safe place to travel for solo girls. i spent 6 months there 2 years ago and met many girls travelling on their own and dont remember hearing any stories about it not being a safe place. anyway in my experience of travelling solo you never really are on your own as you will always find travel buddies who happen to be going your way. As you said you have already travelled in india and s.e asia you sound like an experienced traveller so south america should not be a problem. Any problems/bad experiences i heard were from people who admitted that they had done something stupid or looked for trouble and it was their own fault.

in terms of your budget it depends on what countries you go to in order to make your 5000 pounds last. i can only speak of the countries i have been to argentina, bolivia, peru and chile. Chile along with brazil are considered the most expensive while bolivia would be very cheap with peru cheap too. i spent 3 months in argentina and done all that was to be done and managed to survive on between 35 to 40 euro a day, in bolivia i survived on no more than 20/25 euro a day. in my 6 months i spent approx 6500 euro which is prob just a few hundred pounds over your budget. it does really depend on what countries you visit and how long you stay there

hope this helps

safe travels

When are you thinking of going?

s america for 6 mnths, female alone is this ok??? how much??

s america for 6 mnths, female alone is this ok??? how much??

s america for 6 mnths, female alone is this ok??? how much??

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