Flights from NZ to South America

Hi Guys,

I believe there's only about 3 airlines that fly that route, so prices will not be cheap. Aerolineas Argentinas is probably cheapest, but then you get what you pay for.

Thanks for your reply Daawgon.

Thinking out loud here, if I got a RTW ticket to start in Oz could we maybe do South America, North America and finish at home England!!

don't laugh if it's a daft question?



That's definitely an option worth considering; especially if you intend to have a couple of flights within South or North America. (If you do go for that RTW ticket, and have the time, there's the possibility of getting to Santiago via Tahiti and Easter Island with the OneWorld RTW, which really makes it more than worth its money.)
Check up on how much a RTW ticket costs when bought in Australia or New Zealand, though. That can differ a lot per country. (I think it's actually cheaper when starting out down under than when starting in Europe, but am not completely certain.)

Flights from NZ to South America

Flights from NZ to South America

Flights from NZ to South America

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