Hi everyone,
Here's a suggestion: bus/train from Romania to Budapest (€10-€40 depending on where exactly in Romania you start from), bus Budapest-Krakow (around €20, check http://www.eurolinespolska.pl/index.php?lang=en ), train/bus Krakow-Warsaw (from about €15), bus Warsaw-Tallin (from ~€35, multiple changes along the way, see http://www.eurolines.ee/en ).
thanks so so much, i truly appreciate your help!!
I suggest you play around with www.skyscanner.net and www.whichbudget.com
Tallin is on the network of some budget airlines, you should be able to get a cheap flight from Hungary or Romania to Frankfurt/Hahn, London or Berlin and then fly from there to Tallin.
If you are lucky it is cheaper and faster than all those buses and trains.
thanks a lot t_maia , i truly appreciate your help! x
I would suggest Tarom from Otopeni to Riga. The return flight is (inc. tax) €125. Then a coach from Riga to Tallin (approx €48 return), which takes about 6 hours.
Doing train, bus etc., will take forever and by the time you've spent out on food, drink etc., it won't work out much different.

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