Ok, now i am a bit scared

Relax, fellow traveller. There'll be lots of other travellers there, even if no one responds here. Not me, you understand, I don't fancy Asia, but many other travellers.

Buck up. The World ain't that hard these days.



[ 26-Apr-2010, at 16:35 by Piecar ]

Relax, fellow traveller. There'll be lots of other travellers there, even if no one responds here. Not me, you understand, I don't fancy Asia, but many other travellers.

Buck up. The World ain't that hard these days.

Now Los Angeles...THAT place is scary.


(Hey! My "Devil's Number" post!!! I'ma gonna rest ona dis numbah for a time!!! I's Scarrrrryyyyyy!)



[ 26-Apr-2010, at 16:36 by Piecar ]

What's this with all the Brits that love LA? I guess it's the sunshine or something. I agree that it's just hell on wheels - worst of the States by far.

Ok, now i am a bit scared


i am going travelling in June

Lucky you

June till july will be in SE Asia

Just got back from there last month - had an amazing time.

july till aug will be in Aus

Well, I'm Australian and I live here so there's nothing to be scared of. We only eat overseas tourists on a Saturday night.
After the Footy's over

start of aug will be in New Zealand

Been there - friendly people, lovely fresh air.

mid aug till start of sept Los Angeles

Oh - now that you might have a problem with.....isn't that where all them Hollywood pipples hang out?


I travel solo - around Australia, NZ and Asia - Cambodia and Malaysia. And I'm a lady - if I can do it so can you.

[ 26-Apr-2010, at 16:46 by Whistler 2 ]

Thank you people

but is Los Angeles really that bad??????

but is Los Angeles really that bad??????

Yes. It's a grey dump of misery; drive out of it in any direction, and in an hour or two, you'll see the world slowly take on color and realize how bad it was back in the city. It's a major hub, so it's a very common place for people to fly into, but I'd recommend making your way out of it as soon as you can - the rest of California (and the general west of the USA) is much, much nicer.

Don't worry too much about solo travelling. It's the way to go. You can never truly be prepared or plan everything for a RTW trip, but this is part of its beauty. You have some structure, some idea of where you'll be in a couple of weeks, and then you just fill in the gaps as you go along, getting hints and tips from fellow travellers on the road, sometimes deciding to go left or right merely based on which way the wind is blowing. You'll experience and see things you can't even imagine right now, which you'll think back on regularly for the rest of your life. Just ordinary day sights of exotic perfection. Little scenes from the tapestry of life.

The months will be over before you know it, and you'll wish you'd gone for four times as long.

Thank you people

but is Los Angeles really that bad??????

Describe your vision of LA and we'll tell you where you are wrong.

Well folks, I was born and grew up in L.A. I choose not to live there, but that does not mean there are not a lot of wonderful things to do, places to see and people to meet in The City of Angels. Like any place else in the world, if you just look in front of your nose, you may not see the big picture.

I think I'll start a separate thread on the wonderfulness of L.A. Love it or hate it, L.A. is a unique place. You haven't seen the world until you've gotten more familiar with L.A. than just "driving out of there as soon as you can!" I prefer nature to cities myself, and I would not advise anyone to go there in the heat of summer - smog season- but you people who dismiss L.A. so quickly are missing out on a lot! Your loss.

Relax! you'll be all good! There are travelers in all the places you mentioned!
You'll meet lots of people, it's my opinion that you're rarely actually alone!

You'll have a blast!
Don't worry!




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