Hey all,
Hi Jess, im Sean am 22 and myself and friend are going travelling oz. Leaving on sunday (16th jan 2011) and staying in Sydney initially. Got a WHV and going to fund a bit of travelling around Australia.
Hopefull after the year runs out would love to do a bit of asia if money permits :p
anyway just letting you know plans and if you need any tips or helping points just ask!
all the best with your travels
Hi, Jess,
Perth is lovely and it'll be hot. There is not a lot to see up that west coast, until you get to Broome. Don't know what you favour as far as sightseeing is concerned, but I suggest you fly from Perth to Alice Springs, take in Uluru and the Olgas and then fly on to Cairns in northern Queensland and then travel south down that coast to Sydney or even Melbourne. That coast is more interesting, there'll be plenty of work to keep you cashed up and I'm guessing you'll more likely meet travel companions there.
Happy to make more suggestions if needed...
I live in Melbourne - just letting anyone who reads this know that Queensland is in the midst of terrible floods. People have died & an unknown number are missing. Our news has reported that around 85% of Queensland is flooded - it's a disaster state right now so anyone with plans to visit should check their destinations beforehand.
It's certainly pretty bad at the moment, but I didn't hear that it was as much at 85% (I also live in Melbourne).
Anyway you will be fine along the coast, especially by the time you guys get here. But like Koalablue suggests, check destinations. Cairns has been fine, but Brisbane will be in some strife in the next few days. Maybe start at Melbourne and work your way sround the coast to Sydney and then north instead.
Hi Jess
I'm backpacking round oz too and i'm in and around Perth until the 22nd of Jan so if you fancy meeting up for a drink somewhere just let me know. I'm at the YHA hostel at the mo, its a good hostel if a quiet on the social side of things (at least it has air conditioning in the rooms).
Alison (28)
hey all, thanks for your response to my post
TV and Koalablue, thankyou for all your help and advice
hi Sean, atm thats my plan too, with a combination of work and play am hopeing to stay in aus till my whv runs out an then with the money i will have (hopefully) saved i can then go an explore some of asia.
Safe travels
hey all,
im off to perth on 2nd of feb and staying in cottesloe for the first few nights and dont no n e one or what to doo after this, is any one around these ways around this time, any info would be appreciated thanx ash

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