Hi Lozzajane,
It really depends on the activities you are doing. Patagonia can be expensive because of the distances involved, Iguazu Falls isn't too expensive.
I travelled these countries on 1000pounds a month - i went over in Brazil because i hit the main tourist areas (Rio, Sao Paolo, Ilha Grande, Pantanal).
Argentina was slightly cheaper than Brazil, so got away with keeping within my budget.
3 months i would set a goal of 1000 a month, its not slumming every day (which would have worn me out) but its not the Ritz either.
Pick hostels with good kitchen areas because if you want to save money, a few meals in go down a treat.
Hi Huw
Thanks for the reply.
It's nice to get some info from someone who has travelled the places i'm going, the guide books i have all differ.
I have some volunteering booked 4 about 5 weeks which includes accom so will hopefully save abit there!
The plan is to eat in as often as poss or maybe have the street food - is that any good?
Also is it easy to get around on the coaches and comfortable? Ive looked from Argentina to Santiago and the travel time is 30hrs!!
The plan is to eat in as often as poss or maybe have the street food - is that any good?
In Brazil you will have the fantastic idea of kilo restraunts at your disposal. These generally run at about 18 soles (£6) per kilo but are a great way to stuff yourself with salad. As well as picking up a doggy bag for journeys.
In Argie make sure you stop for some cheap goodness in the shape of empanadas. Stand by the stall, meet the locals and enjoy these fatty treats at about 50p each.
Also is it easy to get around on the coaches and comfortable? Ive looked from Argentina to Santiago and the travel time is 30hrs!!
During my time in south america i spend about 280 hours on a bus in the 3 months i was there - lets face it; there are the good, the bad and the ugly!
Sometimes you can savwe yourself a small fortune by going for the 'local' option, but beware in some places this may mean you share the ride with livestock. For longer journeys, especially overnights, i would recommend requesting 'cama'! These luxury seats should make it possible to make something of the following day rather than spend it curled up in your hostel bed.
In general, there can be vast differences in budgets depending on your approach and so you can spend as much or as little as you want - you learn as you go by eg, buying food from a stall is going to work out alot cheaper than at a bus station or on the bus! (Is also probably less likely to harm you, although you can never be sure)!

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