Studying in South Korea for 4 months, travelling after

Hi all!

Hello, welcome to S Korea. I have lived here for over a year and a half now and I really like it here - the food is amazing!
When you arrive here it will be very, very hot and when you leave it will be very very cold!
Anyway, to start on a bad point, you won't be able to visit N Korea. You can visit the border but you cant go into N Korea.
If you want to travel around SE Asia, which I do a lot as my wife is originally from the Philippines then I suggest trying Cebu Pacific airline. They are very cheap and they fly from Seoul. Basically if you want to go to anywhere in SEAsia then I recommend getting a flight to Manila with CebuPacific and then going on from there still using CP. For example it is cheapest for us this summer to fly to Manila, then fly to Malaysia and then fly back from Singapore all using CP than it is to fly direct to Malaysia using another airline.
I hope that helps a bit, and if you want to ask anything about S Korea then I will be happy to try my best to answer any questions


Thank you for the reply !

I have had a look at the temps, thats why I'm planning japan before han some warm destinations afterwards

About N. Korea, I have read that there are arranged tours from Seoul and from Beijing, I'm not sure whether it's possible atm because of the situation between the countries.

Really nice to hear about the airline! I was worried that travelling from Korea to the rest of Asis was pretty expensive, but I'll check out CebuPacific.

I may send you a PM if I have more answers when I get closer do departure..

And nice with the food, know nothing about Korean food!

Jeju Island, just south of Korea, would make a good weekend trip, while you are there. You can fly from Incheon airport, but I'd recommend taking the train to Mokpo, and the ferry from there to Jeju- with ferry back from Jeju, via Busan. It takes a bit longer (better make it a long weekend) but it's a more interesting trip.

You can go from Beijing into N Korea but not from Seoul. You can visit the border but you can't go in. If you go from China it is a tour that N Korea wants you to see. You can't go off sight seeing! Very expensive as well. Feel free to pm me if have any other questions

madpoet - thank you for your input, I'll consider it!


send you a pm

I was searching for information about possibilities in staying and studying in Korea for four months since the 'common' span of korean language study in the universities there run for three months. I came across this and thought that maybe you can help me with this...Is visa application for a four-month stay given by Korean embassy? What should be my best option in terms of visa application? I am planning to study in Korea next year, 2012, the same as your schedule (Aug 25- third week of Dec). I am worried that if I will apply for a D-4 visa (is that for 6 months?), the embassy will not grant that to me since language study covers only 3 months. I also plan to travel after studying, but I do not know how the embassy would assess that. I also want to see Fall, and wait for the winter, actually.

P.S. I live in the Philippines. You can ask me anything you like to know about travel, expenses, etc!

Hope you have a blast traveling!

Sorry for the late reply!

Well, haven't heard of any troubles or issues regarding VISA.. I'll just contact the local Korean ambassy and then they will grant a visa for the period I want. The important thing is to get an Alien registration card as soon as you arrive in Korea. It opens possiblities of travelling to and from the country during your period of studying, possibility of opening a Korean bank account and much more.

I'm not sure whether you are from the Philippines or not, but the VISA application i very simple when your're Danish, I don't know whether it's nire complicated for you.

I haven't really started my preparations for the trip, but as soon as I do I can keep you posted about the proces of VISA etc..

And I'll probably return to you regarding the Philippines and some advice regarding travelling there etc.

best Regards


Studying in South Korea for 4 months, travelling after

Studying in South Korea for 4 months, travelling after

Studying in South Korea for 4 months, travelling after

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