Teaching in Oz & NZ

Hey there
I'm off to Australia in March from uK and would like to do some supply/cover teaching whilst there. Do I need an English Criminal Records Bureau Check that is up to date to work in Australian or New Zealand schools? Or do they do their own check? I am fully qualified and have just left full time teaching.

Not sure about Oz but you can't just turn up and teach in NZ even if you do have a UK qualification. You need to get the qualification verified which takes time and costs money.
check out

good luck

Ah thanks mate. I'll have a look on there and see if similar set up for Australia. Cheers.

Hey, I'm a student teacher from Australia. Our criminal checks and qualification checks are pretty stringent. I would suggest you set up a relationship with a school or area that you intend to teach to and go from there. Most principles, when satisfied with your qualifications, should guide you through the process.
You will need to be suitably accredited with relevant Australian content to teach anywhere though, at least for state schools. You will have to apply to the teacher's federation or relevant body in the state you intend to teach in, and all states are independent in that manner, although things are changing with the national curriculum.
It won't be as simple as showing up and applying.
I recommend seeking out the relevant Australian sources for accreditation. In NSW (my home state) it is the NSW Teacher's Federation. http://www.nswtf.org.au/
I know that to even enter schools, you need to have up to date criminal record check. It would be ok to bring your own, but they will most likely do one here, as well as accreditation for Child Protection/Duty of Care.This is for your legal obligations. OH and we teach under the Quality Teaching and Learning framework, an outcomes based system of organisation. All helpful things to know about.
Personal written references, and portfolios of your work will go a long way toward securing you casual work in Australia. As far as I know, once you're accepted by the teacher's federation its ok, but to get in is hard.
Good Luck

Teaching in Oz & NZ

Teaching in Oz & NZ

Teaching in Oz & NZ

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