buying steroids in thailand????

hi there guys...

pretty sure importing steriods is illegal... not really worth the risk is it?

im really unsure about it...

my friend wrestles in france and germany and he says he's never been pulled up once when coming back into the uk with his "steroids"on him..he seems to think that as long as its for your own personal use its ok..then having said that they will take one look at me and realise im not a gym freak so therefore i guess id be foooooked!!!

if i dnt get to the bottom of it i certainy shall not be risking it!!!

I wouldn't bother, not worth the risk of being caught and im sure if your friend wanted some he could hunt somebody down were he lives and buy them.

Not worth the risk IMO
Haven't you ever seen that show "Locked Up Abroad"?

Yeah, there is NO WAY I'd do this. Also, the fact that your friend hasn't been pulled over or thinks personal use is ok, doesn't really mean it's legal.

So you don't mind going to jail for your friends - or is this junk is really for you?

It is one thing to take risks for personal gain but to go to prison for a friend is sheer stupidity!

Steroids give you small private parts, early baldness, reduced sperm counts, breast development along with the increased muscles; isn't that sort of defective "packaging" when interacting with potential sexual partners?

You really don't want to go to jail for your friends!


maybe you didnt read my thread properly or your english is not good...i never stated once i wanted to go to jail,i quote,"im really usure about it and dont want to get involved with anything illegal or something that may cuse complications on my return home."

secondly the "junk" is not for me at all,my gym days are long gone now..unfortunatly i dont have the time and commitment anymore,iv not stepped foot in a bloody gym for nearly 3 years!!!

funny you say about steroids giving you small parts etc etc etc...i spent many years in my youth dabbling with mild steroids before the travelling bug got hold of me and guess what,all is in tact,i have a good head of hair,normal set of pecks altho slightly over weight nowerdays and still a good set of balls on me,oh and a fully functional and working penis,not lacking in length or width at all thankyou very much,would you like pics for proof???ha..

anyway yes many of my friends are still very gym orientated and work with the industry,so yes i said id try and help them if i could,all im doing is a little research and finding out whats what,im not so naive that im going to go out there and buy a load of stuff and ramm my rucksack full then expect to just walk through customs and bored the plane with no complications!!hope this clears it up a little bit more for you!!

You might have been in the "Guinness World Records" without the steroids! You got shortchanged using steroids!!

"also is it possible to just pack them in my rucksack on returning home or will they be picked up through it legal/illegal to return to the uk with them??should i post them back or not,again im wondering if theyd ever make it to there destination if i was to post them by parcel.."

You did sound a "little naive" or uninformed when you introduced your original post!

buying steroids in thailand????

buying steroids in thailand????

buying steroids in thailand????

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