Hello everybody. I passed a CELTA course in the U.K in November and i've ben offered a position teaching English in Mexico, in a town called San juan del rio in the state of Quereterro.
Queretaro (note the spelling) is located almost smack in the center of Mexico. The city is known for its old Roman-style large aqueduct, large central square, and numerous colonial style houses and churches.
The main road through the town is similar to what you in the UK call a Motorway, and the city itself has a few highly industrial areas in the center, surrounded by more quaint (and simple) houses/apartments on the outskirts and in the suburbs.
As far as "surviving", I guess I'd say learn the language and spend time touring both the hot spots of San Luis Potosi and the pink zone of Mexico City when not in Queretaro. When in the local state, I'd say learn to love mexican food, and learn to relax in a laid-back environment. If you can do this, you'll probably love your trip.
I found a good youtube video someone made on Queretaro.
It can be found here:
Here's a second one showing the upscale side of town--and all the mountains surrounding the main town
I'm ready to go now--how about you?
[ 20-Jan-2011, at 20:24 by Calcruzer ]
Thank you for the advice. I'm not actually going to the city of Queretero- but a town 30 minutes away called San juan del rio, but im sure i'll visit Queretero frequently
I'm quite laid back so i hope i'll get on there.
Hi, you're going to love San Juan del Rio, I'm sure. Yes, laid back is the key.
I consider San Juan to be my "hometown" although I was born and raised in Canada, and am currently in Canada. My husband grew up there, his family lives there, and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting there. I truely feel more at home in San Juan than I do here in Canada!
Be prepared that people you meet have different values and priorities than what you're used to. Life if laid back and at a different pace. People live day to day. They cherish their families. The American style has definately influenced the younger generation, but still the Mexican values dominate. It's a beautiful life.
This isn't a tourist town - this is a simple and wonderful Mexican town. It's a culture that I fell in love with, and I think you will too. If you're able to relax, you will survive. If you like beans, rice, corn, salsita and tortillas, then you will thrive.
I'm a bit envious of you. I won't be able to go until the fall. Have FUN!!!!!!
Thanks for your message HarmonyP.
I fly next week, so am getting a bit nervous now! But am glad to leave the U.K and experience Mexico.
What do people do for entertianment there?
I am trying hard to learn some spanish too!
I lived in Queretaro for a few years, it is a very artsy and polite community, everybody smokes and the guys really seem to enjoy looking at girls...hope you're doing fine, i'll be going to Queretaro for a few days by the end of august give me a shout if you need anything...I'm also Canadian and Mexico is my home country
Hi, I have been to San Juan del Rio many times in my travels to Mexico. My boyfriend's brother owns a business there. It's a nice town with a beautiful central square. While the traffic is not nearly as hectic as other bigger towns and cities in Mexico, it can still be tricky even in San Juan del Rio. I'll post some photos of San Juan del Rio in my profile, so check them out! Also, I think San Juan del Rio is very hot compared to further south in Mexico. So, be prepared for warm weather. Good luck with your adventure! Oh!!! I almost forgot....try to make a weekend trip if possible to the hot springs/geyser area about 1 hour from San Juan del Rio. It's called "El Geiser" (translated: the geyser) in a municipality called Tecozautla---it's really a site to behold!

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