We are planning to be in Oruro, Bolivia for the 4-6th of March during the Carnaval celebrations, and have been looking into booking accommodation well in advance. The only website that we seem to be able to find any listings is on www.boliviahostels.com, and for the 3 days of carnaval they require a full payment in advance in the form of a money transfer through Western Union. (any other time of year they don't require a full payment in advance)
I had a quick look at their site, and it seems as if they are actually passing on the bookings to the hostels/hotels, who then have to get back to you based on your 'booking' (which is more like a request to book a certain room on certain dates) to confirm it? Is it the hotels/hostels asking for full payment in advance, or actually the website? I hate paying in advance, but you can understand it from the properties point of view at really busy times of year like that...
i couldn't seem to figure out which one it was, whether it was the website or the hotel...it was the money transfer through a specifc bank that seemed odd to me. I'll keep looking into it.

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