Hey there
I'm travelling from the UK to Australia in March. I have a working visa and thought it would be a good idea to set up a bank account before going. Does anyone know if I can set up a bank account in Oz before I go? And what Australian banks are good to go with? Do they charge to withdraw cash when your in Oz? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Lauren
I went to an migration similar at the end of nov last year and they had a banker from NBA there and he said that it best to start your account before u leave and when u reach Oz all you will need is your passport to open it he also said that they charge $7 a month for it. I hope that helps
Good luck
As far as I'm aware of (but not 100% sure) you can set up a bank account from overseas, but to actually open it you need to go to one of the branches once you arrive in Australia. Westpac had an offer for a bank account with no monthly fee, and if you earn enough money every month most of the banks waive the fees for you. Online Banking is for free and as long as you withdraw money from your bank's ATM you have no additional costs (if you withdraw from another bank's ATM you have to pay a small amount, about 2-4$ per transaction).
Hope I could help!

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