Hi folks
Well it's easy enough to spend three months in Argentina alone, but thats really up to you. Internal flights in Argentina run about £70 each way but it's such a big country that it might make sense due to the fact you only have 7 weeks. You can certainly eat and sleep cheaply. Uruguay is an easy trip too. Chile has a lot of great and cheap places, especially if you enjoy camping.
Not sure about Bolivia and Peru, but I think you can do it all on that budget but you'll have more flexibility if you have a little more.
I'd say that was a fine budget and will cover you for internal flights. You'll have no problem in Peru or Bolivia - it's so cheap there. The only thing about Uruguay is to be careful to be there during mid to low season, high season will rinse your money. I'm paying for that mistake now - it's crazy expensive. And Brazil is the worst (if you're thinking of going there too). High season runs from mid-December to mid-February.
It obviously depends on what you're going to do but your budget should cover you for some good nights out, tours etc.
Hope that helps.
Hi Dom , trekking few National Parks in Argentina , Chile and Brazil if you want to join us will be wonderful to share our beautiful South America with you .... Works cheap than travel alone and I'm local , so I know the way around to save our $ ...
starting 27 of March 2011 from Buenos Aire Argentina , to Patagonia The Lake District.
April/May 2011 Bariloche to Los Glaciares National Park and Torres del Paine Chile.
May/June Rio De Janeiro Brazil - Serra Dos Orgaos National Park to Salvador Bahia Chapada Das Diamantinas.
The only requirement is the love for the wilderness and Trekkers must be of at least average trekking fitness and able to carry a fully loaded backpack continuously for 5 days. You will need equipment as well as your own food. No previous trekking experience is required .
Keep in touch if you keen
Warm Regards
Thanks guys for taking the time and trouble to respond, yes all helpful advice!
The budget makes me particularly nervous as I am used to travelling on more cash but am poorer than i used to be unfortunately
Having done a little more research my possibly hair-brained plan would be Lima/Maccu Pichu/ Arica (Chile)/Lake Titacata/SaltPlains Bolivia/Asuncion/Buenos Aires/Montevideo. Is that lunacy on £3.5k budget and in 7 weeks is it moving way too fast? Figured would have to fly the Asuncion-BA bit but hopefully bus the rest. My dates are tentatively Nov18-Jan 2 so thought it would be fun to be In BA or MV for new years, assume they party pretty hard there? Though that might test my budget if its high season
Ideally would like to fly into say Lima and out Of BA or MV but the way one way and return flights are priced I guess I may need to fly return out of one one or the other and internal flight to get back to my starting point.
This is a lot of musing from myself but further thoughts /criticisms/advice/heckling appreciated!
Thanks again
I would think it's too much personally. Is it possible? probably. And you are going to spend a lot of those 7 weeks on buses - and you'll be finishing in the most expensive places that you'll be wanting to visit.

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