I diddn't found any references about cheap,family hostel acomodation here..I wish to visit Romania-Dracula Castle this year and I'm looking for a cheap hostel.
In Brasov? I thought Draculas castle was in Sigisoara? I know a few good hostels there
Noooo,is mistaken,is 30 km away from Brasov
So wait, you want to "visit" Brasov. , while in (which I just flagged as promotional) you say you spent a week there last year, and recommend specific accommodation...
It really helps to keep a single consistent story if you want to make an even halfway competent attempt to try and slip past promotional posts like that, you know...
hey! I just returned from Romania couple of days ago (my 2nd visit there). castle of Dracula is not in Brashov neither in Sigishoara (both towns are adorable and worth a visit!). This castle is in Bran. You have a bus from Brashov - it's not too far, but still need some effort to arrive. This castle is not really Dracula's home, but it's beautiful castel, it's museum inside and entrance costs something (not too much). It's nothing else to see in Bran. U probably know that Dracula (the real person) never lived there.
Brashov is attractive Saxonian town, i'm sure there r lots of accomodation and i'd risk not to book for advance. It seems not prob. to find place to sleep there.
Transylvania rocks - beauuuuuutiful!
It really helps to keep a single consistent story if you want to make an even halfway competent attempt to try and slip past promotional posts like that, you know...
Blimey.... What a neat bit of Sherlock work ! !
I just arrived here,and nothing was promotional.I saw via webcam my future accomodation,and i recomended that because I found it very atractive.Belive me or not,keep looking for something cheap,and mail me if you will found something like mine.I aleready spent one night here,and was ok.So take my advice:I just tryed to share something really cheap and fine but i will NEVER share nothing about that,I will keep it only for my friends.And is true,Dracula castle is near Brasov,but have to take a TRAIN,not bus,I just took a ticket for 11 clock.And is located in Bran,of course,but have to change train by bus for couple km.Bus is really crowded and bad smell,only poor pl inside and gipsy with alll family,so I choose a train.I'm sorry but I will not share any detais here,i'm sick.Is a promotional post,so KEEP ASKING about something cheap and nice!Good luck!And is my 2nd visit here,I was here 2 yrs ago,here is autumn music international festival,GOLDEN STAG,and I am musical director for a broadcast television from Germany,so believe me I can be guide for many towns all over the world,like Cannes,Istanbul,Paris.I discovered last time this town with my own foot,so keep my final advice:Don't bite so quikly the people,let them say what they wanna say FREE,don't be Sherlock to all,even they are women....
[ 06-Feb-2011, at 00:24 by AnneSS ]
Hey Sander.... You'd better watch your p's and q's here.
AnneSS is a director of a TV station in Germany as well as a professional guide, so bound to be an expert on Romania and Turkey ! ! Oh - she's only got one leg too.
Incidentally - AnneSS, Vlad lived in Sighisoara - and there was no such person as Dracula.... Unless 'You' know different.
O, this is going to be fun again. Under what name will we see Redpaddy/BedouinLeo or flyingbob back again.
For a director of a TV station she doesn't write very well, and has shares in the comma company
My monies on a reincarnation of some version of the La Comtesse Noire...

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