Hi you all!
It depends a little on where you are going, but my preference by far is to have a phone (or the ipod touch for example) with you that will let you connect to the internet at hotspots. They are becoming more and more common, and when you find one, it's nice to be able to use it straightaway, even if you don't spend time at the place to actually reply to the emails you download.
A word of warning tough, if you do go on an open wifi connection, be aware that anything you do can be tracked fairly easily by anyone else who logs on to that connection. In fact, some scammers set up open wifi hotspots in order to spy on people! If you are accessing secure sites (with https, then it should be fine, but for any other ones you need to be very careful, particularly if you're the kind of person who uses the same password across a lot of different sites.
That said, I think having an internet-capable phone is very handy these days. I'd prefer that over an internet café where there's really no guarantee of security at all. Don't be doing your banking in one of those.
It depends a little on where you are going, but my preference by far is to have a phone (or the ipod touch for example) with you that will let you connect to the internet at hotspots. They are becoming more and more common, and when you find one, it's nice to be able to use it straightaway, even if you don't spend time at the place to actually reply to the emails you download.
Well... I'll do an interrail so I'll be visiting lots of different countries, specially in eastern europe (Poland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic,...). I think hotspots are quite useful but I'd rather not have to depend on them..With a mobile phone is it possible to access wireless internet without passwords and stuff?
A word of warning tough, if you do go on an open wifi connection, be aware that anything you do can be tracked fairly easily by anyone else who logs on to that connection. In fact, some scammers set up open wifi hotspots in order to spy on people! If you are accessing secure sites (with https, then it should be fine, but for any other ones you need to be very careful, particularly if you're the kind of person who uses the same password across a lot of different sites.
That said, I think having an internet-capable phone is very handy these days. I'd prefer that over an internet café where there's really no guarantee of security at all. Don't be doing your banking in one of those.
Okay! Thanks for the warning! I'll keep that in mind!
It depends a little on where you are going, but my preference by far is to have a phone (or the ipod touch for example) with you that will let you connect to the internet at hotspots. They are becoming more and more common, and when you find one, it's nice to be able to use it straightaway, even if you don't spend time at the place to actually reply to the emails you download.
Well... I'll do an interrail so I'll be visiting lots of different countries, specially in eastern europe (Poland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic,...). I think hotspots are quite useful but I'd rather not have to depend on them..With a mobile phone is it possible to access wireless internet without passwords and stuff?
If you get an unlocked GSM phone (pretty much standard in the world, except for the US), yes, you could access the internet without anything else. But your billl is going to be GIGANTIC! My wife accidently switched on roaming (as it's called) to bring in an MMS in Hong Kong. We're not sure if that triggered emails coming in or not, but either way, the bill for just that one move and very little data amounted to 20USD. One option might be one of the new kindles that come with unlimited internet access abroad. I'm REALLY not sure how Amazon are managing that though!
Wow. 20USD for an MMS is just unbelievable!
I don't know if I explained myself well but what I meant was to access internet from other computers that don't have passwords (like stealing internet from them! lol) or use free wireless places. If I do that I can't be charged for it, right?
Anyway...I think I'll have to get informed about this is a mobile's store or something.
Yep... I thought you meant using open wifi networks as well, but to access those you don't need a mobile phone. An ipod touch would do the trick (hence my adding it as a suggestion ).

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