Im heading to Oz in december planning on spending xmas and new year in Sydney then working my way up the east coast up to Cairns.
Im going to spend around 6-8 weeks travelling and then i want to start looking for work.
Hi Rachael
I don't know much about Dental Nursing? but im also hoping to get work in Oz but as a Graphic Designer. A friend of mine is out there at the mo in Marketing and told me it was really easy to get work as we're really highly regarded when it comes to our skills and experience. I've been putting my CV and website together and im planning on getting in touch with recruitment companies over there before I head out and letting them know when im in the area. Also im facing redundancy here and I've bought a one way ticket!! So im pretty much using this to motivate me to get work over there and stay for a year or so...*fingers crossed*
Thanks for your reply.
Ive heard the same that there is a lot of work and its easy to find. Im going to do the same and get in touch with some dental agencies out there beforehand.
Im also thinking along the same line....just booking a one way ticket and praying it works out well lol is a popular media and marketing forum/discussion and news site in Oz. They also have a jobs section. Might be something in there for you.
Thanks i will look into that x
Rachael - glad im not the only person winging it!!
Thanks Majito for the link
You can try the usual Australian job sites like , and . Most jobs will be around towns, especially in graphic design. I don't think there's a particular time of year when job searching is easier, but usually less jobs are advertised in December due to Christmas.
Thanks Tim for the links. I look forward to checking those out later

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