I am thinking of riding the length of the Trans Siberian Highway on a motorbike and wanted to know any information from anyone who has done this before - ie what I can expect
- such as temperatures at night and in the day
- places to see
- the road quality
- anything else you think would be useful.
Just a quick response regarding temperatures: that's one of the broadest questions ever here. It's thousands of kilometres and you don't say when you are travelling.
But check for loads of options. There is a travel planner, where you can see the weather of the last 5-10 years or so during specific time frames (1-3 weeks). That way you can also see the extremes.
Anyway, have a great trip, it sure seems like an adventure!!!
P.S. for moderator: Why was this moved to Europe by the way?
[ 04-Feb-2011, at 08:16 by Utrecht ]
weather is probably easy - BLOODY COLD! and if its not, then your lucky.
1.) Lots of hardcore riders have done this route. It's easy to Google loads of blogs.
2.) Rent or buy the DVD, "Long Way Around."
3.) Hang out on proper long distance motorcycle websites like, http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/
Have fun.
weather is probably easy - BLOODY COLD! and if its not, then your lucky.
It's actually not cold at all from June to early September. Warmer then much of Western Europe for example
I'm living in Siberia and may help you with information about travelling through Russia. From the middle of May to September the temperature is suitable for riding on motorbike, in June-July temperature is about 15-19 degrees by night ant 25-35 by day. About the road - I'd never trip by roads, but often heard that the distanse between Chita-Irkoutsk-Krasnoyarsk is awful - especially after long rain.
Mostly, Russia is not a safe place for independent tourists, if you will need some information - I will glad to answer!
hey U85, you still on the forum?
yeah, I'm still here.
i'll have a word with you mate,
i plan a trip round the world in 2013, alone with my bike.
russia, kazakhstan, mongolia, siberia look very exotic for me.
i plan to get some russian lessons.
i know a colleague in skt. petersbug. never passed novosibirsk, when in zavolzh'e i met a girl, never been beyond nijnhi novgorod (we have a small plant in zavolzh'e)
so disappointed on these guys.
what a beautiful country and no urge to explore??? even by train or plane??? J.C.
for now, i do not know if i will choose magadan or vladivostock, probably if i cannot find reliable transportation between magadan, i'll pick vladivostock.
do you have maps of russia? or atlases, to design my road alternatives?
even hard copies are okay
thx mate and good lock to you, winter's knocking at the door, heh?
hi, Tsunnami!
RTW trip on bike is looking like great thing! At first, as I wrote in previous topic, if you're planning to trip through Russia you should thoroughly choose the time interval - I don't recommend travelling from October to May.
Yes, Russia is a very beautiful country, but when you its citizen - you are looking for exotic, you dreaming about warm sea, sand, desert etc. Especially by a 6-8 months of winter Internal tourism in Russia mostly is a very poor developed, in fact, there are only 4-5 suitable zones of tourism - Moscow and St. Petersbourg regions, lake Baikal and Black sea coast. In case of vacations, Russians prefers travel abroad - it's significant cheaper and cosy.
ooo... to visit a Magadan... lol!!! it's a Russian national joke - welcome to us in Magadan!! - no, no, never, better you to us!! I don't know about a road to Magadan, but on Russian travel forums is wrote that this road is awful and sometimes not suitable for driving even on Toyota Land Cruiser. Vladivostok is most preferred point on Russian Far East in cause of well transport conditions - large sea port, airport, railroad etc.
Maps of Russia - hmm, I'll try to search it in net, almost everywhere in Russia you can buy a full atlas of roads (divided on regions), but it on Russian.
Almost knocking Now in Siberia is Indian summer - cool dry weather, sun is shining, no one cloud and yellow leaves are slowly falling on ground

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