Hi. we are on another fantastic voyage and lots of family and friends are following us on your site. Only problem we have is that our travel map does not show current location as we move along. What to do?
Right you are - it is a bit awkward like that. I've asked the developer working on the maps to make this fix. Hopefully not overly complicated. I'll also get some text added directly under the map saying something along the lines of "Currently in xxx"
I am quite new here, and am testing the travellerspoint blog at this moment. I've been testing 5 different blogsites and was thinking of choosing travellerspoint. I like most options of your blogsite. But the problems with the map make me doubt....
As Swenigale said, the map does not show your latest stop, even if you insert a zoomed map with the latest location in an entry. It then shows that location, but without the Star Icon, so it doesn't look like your most recent location. And most annoying I find the pop up which let you think you are on stop 1 of 37, each time showing your first blog entry....
It would be great if the map would show the Star icon on the location of the most recent entry or on the location where you are supposed to be, based on the included stops an dates of the traject... And with the pop up of the most recent entry/photos, and not of stop 1.
I hope this will be possible soon, then I'll probably choose travellerspoint for our travel blog!
Cheers and thanks for reading this
Hi Linn,
Thanks for chiming in as well. It's great to know how many people are wanting this. It is being worked on now. I don't imagine it being an overly complex thing to achieve.
Regarding the window popping up like it does now - that's actually a bug. We've got a fix for that problem, but I'll probably hold off on uploading it until the other fix is also completed. The problem with that window is that it can be quite large and ends up sitting over other content. Fine if that's what you wanted to see, but not so much if you just want to get on with reading. So instead, I think we'll add a line of text underneath the map clarifying where you are at this point in time. And clicking on that will open up the more detailed view.
p.s. It's great to hear that you've found Travellerspoint came out on top after looking at all these options.
Hello Peter,
Thx for your quick action and response!
I am looking forward to see the result!
Hi, Peter. I am always amazed by your quick responses. Thanks. Swenigale
Hmm, thought I posted here yesterday, but guess I never actually submitted it
Anyway, the change has partially been implemented. We now have the maps highlighting the current stop based on dates.
Also, we fixed the bug causing the "info windows" to pop up always.
What we still want to add is a bit of text under the map saying where you currently are.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the effort and the changes you and the team are making!
I've tested by adding some new (test)entries, and this is what I found out:
- the main map which is included on my homepage and at the top of each entry, looks a bit strange (the last line is missing) and does not show the Star icon on the current stop (I added Milan as a new stop and current location, but it does not highlight this).
- the zoomed map I included in a new entry does show Milan with a star, so highlights my current location based on the stops in my trip.
Looking forward to your reaction, and the changes you are making with the text under the map!!
thank you!
ps. one thing I find a bit strange is that I read it is possible to customise the color of your triplines, but it looks like I can not change this.
Hey Linn, actually, that's odd. I don't see either of your maps with a star on the Milan stop actually. Will have this looked into.
The last line bug is known (only affects the map when you are viewing all trips together) and hopefully should be resolved soon.
Regarding changing your trip colour - to do this click on the trip you want to change. Then there should be a link there to "Edit Trip Details". That's where you can change the title, description and colour of your trip.

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