iv just booked my rtw ticket. i arrive in bangkok and plan to go straight into cambodia, through vietnam and laos then back into thailand and travel through to malaysia. my question is what do i do about a thai visa as i have no proof of a ticket out of thailand within 30days?
My Vegas friend flew into BKK 2 weeks ago. He will stay 3 months, then back to Vegas. He commutes between LV & Thailand. He has flown into Thailand at least 30 times and has never been asked for an onward ticket. Yes, Thai Immigration officers can ask for an onward ticket and sufficient funds, but they rarely do. I guess if you looked like Rasputin, snarled at the officer, and insulted the King, he would make you produce all documents required. Thailand wants tourists to visit. They will give you your 30 day entry permit and send you on your way. Just make sure you leave before your 30 days are up. Do not get in an overstay situation.
Cambodia will sell you a 30 day visa when your hit the airport or cross overland. Buy your VN visa in Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville. You must have it in hand before crossing into VN. Laos will sell you a 30 day visa when you arrive at their border. Back into Thailand overland will give you another 15 days. If you need more than 15 days, you can buy a tourist visa in Vientiane before hitting Thailand. Or fly back into BKK and receive another 30 day entry permit.
Good luck with your planning.
thanks for the help...much appreciated!!

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