Travelling ambition!

Hi everyone,

Since I was young I have always had the ambition to go travelling around the world. I am now 21

My main questions I have are, how did you take the plunge? And where did you start? As I am new to all of this.


Haha funny how your perception of "young" changes as you get older! I remember old geezers of 50 telling me I was young at 30. Now I'm the old geezer thinking how young you are at 21!

I guess I always had the travel bug in me. I use to day dream in geography class at school, looking over the map of the world, and wondering what all those far off places must be like.

I hit the road at 19. I had a half brother 20 years older than me, who had emigrated to the US, and that I'd only met a couple of times as a kid. Thought it was a good opportunity to get out of the UK and go travel the world. So I set off to see him, telling my family I was only going for two weeks. Came back a year later! Back in those days (1982) it was much easier to get into the US. I actually told the immigration guy I was going to stay for as long as I could. He looked at me and rolled his eyes and gave me a huge grilling over what I was planning to do, but then let me. I learnt in subsequent years to tell them I was only staying for a couple of weeks and then would stay for a year. This was also before computers kept instant track of everything you do.

You are maybe luckier in a number of ways. Firstly communication is so much easier these days. When I got into trouble there was no choice but to deal with it alone. Now all you have to do is call home on your mobile or drop them an email, money can be in your account in a matter of minutes. Secondly for you in particular, you have a job you can do anywhere in the world. No reason you can't do web design while on the road in India. All you need is your laptop and internet. Lucky you!

Hi Dodger,

So where is it you went travelling to? was it just the US that you travelled? as that is one of the routes on my journey, but not sure where best to prioritise, any advice?

As you said I am lucky with my career path that I can do work on the road, but there is much to think about if I was planning on working abroad on the move, such as taxes? how would I get potential clients (obviously you can find people online, but it's easier if you can meet face to face), prices abroad for websites are generally cheaper so for working hours I would be losing out, but on the flip side of that I will be sitting in the sun working which is a contrast for working in the wintery conditions in the UK.

Hi Dodger,

So where is it you went travelling to? was it just the US that you travelled? as that is one of the routes on my journey, but not sure where best to prioritise, any advice?

As you said I am lucky with my career path that I can do work on the road, but there is much to think about if I was planning on working abroad on the move, such as taxes? how would I get potential clients (obviously you can find people online, but it's easier if you can meet face to face), prices abroad for websites are generally cheaper so for working hours I would be losing out, but on the flip side of that I will be sitting in the sun working which is a contrast for working in the wintery conditions in the UK.

As for me, due to immigration issues I ended up spending 30 years in the US. 20 without leaving its borders. It's a great place and quite diverse. The north east is refined and has western historic significance (by american standards). The deep south has old English slow pace style with a dark history of slavery and before that Spanish and French influences. The west you have a taste of mexico and ancient Indian cultures. The last 4 years Ive been traveling continually, haven't seen a winter in 5 years!. Mostly I stick to around Asia and the south Pacific.

For you, part of the fun is making your own decisions on where to go. Everyone will tell you, this place was the best, or that place, or don't go here, you must go here, whatever. It's your trip and each person will have a different perspective and experience. Some of my best times have been in some of the worst places.

As far as work, there are sites such as From what Ive heard sites like these can be good but take a lot of work to build up a client base. Probably your best bet is to find clients in the Uk that have a steady stream of work that you can subcontract to do now and again. Advertise your services on places like I'm not saying this is going to be a career path, but it might help offset some of your travel costs.

Travelling ambition!

Travelling ambition!

Travelling ambition!

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