Arriving in Brisbane on the 14th of august anybody else travelling there at the same time, be good to meet up with other backpackers.
Hey Paul
I land in Brisbane on the 19th of August, I'm only staying for two night though then flying up to cairns. How long are you staying in Brisbane
hey emma i will be planning on looking for work there so prob till about new year. xx
Hey not long now til we head out. Think after cairns would like to do the whitsundays but have no solid plans yet. I want to travel all over for the first four/five months them will prob settle in Sydney after.
Have u made many plans yet or u just going to wing it?
Emma x
I wanted to visit Brisbane but I don't have place to stay for 3 weeks, so I have to think about it, hope to see you there guys.
I will visit Brisbane but not on 14th August but after 25th August. So are you available Paul on that date?
I'll be in Brisbane (August 28 till January 7th for my internship) and really wanna hang out! We can rent cheap vans since I am working for Apollo!
I want to spend Christmas and NY in Sydney so bad. Let me know if you wanna hang out!
Pauline Boersma on facebook

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