Hi everyone, my name is scott, I am 30 years old and last year I was convicted of "drug manufactoring" as I made 15grams of pseudoephedrine for my personal use. I was also convicted of six fraud related offences at the same time. I was given a 2 year wholy suspended sentence and I only spent 9 days in custody before I got bail. I am now very sorry for what I did and will certainly never do anything illegal ever again.
Here's the problem, I have written a screenplay and the film producers want to make a meeting to pitch my script to them as my agent recomended it to them. As I have the criminal records above I'm wondering if I'll be allowed to enter the country at all?
You will only find out for sure by applying for a visa and entering the country with it.
If you make the conviction known to US officials then you will not be allowed to enter the US under any circumstances, period.
That said, Australia and the US do not share criminal databases so the only way US CBP is going to find out about your indiscretion is if you tell them.
Pretty much every possible opinion is on this thread: http://www.travellerspoint.com/forum.cfm?thread=22639
Lots of misinformation, confusion and urban myths posted on that thread, so read carefully.
Good luck.

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