Look at RTW (Round the world) flights online and get the cheapest price for the flights and dates you want. Be aware that you can land at one airport and leave from another in the same country or a different country.
Be flexible on flight days as this can save you money. For such a trip in January onwards I would think £1600 to £1800 at cheapest. Adding a stop on the way back might not cost much, and it's a LONG flight otherwise.
January is a good time to go, and also high season. Prices also go up if you leave it late booking. I would say to book within the next month.
Thailand is quite cheap and an extra two weeks (you get 30 days visa free on arrival) will add little to your costs with guaranteed sun, great beaches, great malls for shopping, etc.
Australia and New Zealand are expensive. You can get around by public transport; buses, trains and internal flights as well as a ferry between NZ islands. I prefer a car, but that is expensive.
How much you spend on food and accommodation depends on what you want and what kind of lifestyle you want.
hostelbookers is pretty good and has hotels too, but check out big cities and even budget is expensive. Also hostelworld, travellerspoint, asiarooms, lowcostholidays, etc.
[ 27-Jul-2012, at 08:57 by Cyberia ]
Hi Marni
Sounds similar to the trip I will be doing next year. Got my flights for 1825. Going to Bangkok first then Perth then cairns- make my own way to Sydney, into aukland and out of Christchurch and figi.
I've booked with stray for while I'm in new Zealand which costs me 370 but that's all I've booked so far. Was looking at bus passes for oz but haven't decided yet on which one is the best!
I'm thinking of budgeting 4000 for time I'm in auz and newzealand but still trying to book as much as I can before I go.
What sorta things you into doing?
Hey guys,
Thanks for that great advice I took it and have adjusted my trip, six weeks in Thailand an three in oz and nz each, jump on the experience buses there and then Fiji or a week on my way home. It comes to 1695 all flights so you were spot on. I just need to look into the visa? Think I can get ten extra days added on can't I?
Amy- yea sounds similar to mine, what dates are u thinkin? Are u travelling alone? I have no idea what I'm gonna do in oz and nz as my funds are tight. Hopefully some cool stuff that doesn't cost too much! I'm goin for the experience more , just to get out the rat race! Where are u from?
hi marni
yes im travelling alone- nervous about it! but sure i will be fine once im out there
my dates are:
29th dec to 6th feb thailand
6th feb to march 27th oz
27th march to 29th april new zealand
29th to 5th may figi
wot are your dates? im from near brighton in england- wot about you?

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