smile asia vip sleeper buses


Please post this same info on the - I'm sure many people would appreciate your good advice. Aside from the theft issues, sleeper buses are death traps in my opinion - just google "bus accidents vietnam" to see the horror stories.

Yeah, katy. Next time you're planning to vist vietnam again, stick to one good bus/accomodation company. Sinh cafe/ Sinh tourist. They are great!

But once, my friend and i was too silly to go for the "cheaper" deal in mui ne.
We ended up gotten cheated, bad miscommunication and was more expensive than sinh tourist recommended accomodation. OMG. But! it was still my best backpacking trip to date.

I would really recommend sinh tourist to anything else. -Speaks fairly good english as well-

Kaffy***, sorry i mis-spelled it!

smile asia vip sleeper buses

smile asia vip sleeper buses

smile asia vip sleeper buses

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