zaksame has indicated that this thread is about Tallinn
You'll miss the dance festival which is from the 13th August.
You'll miss the dance festival which is from the 13th August.
Could you please just give advice about things which are asked, not about the things he misses. Are you here to annoy people or is this something that is part of your character? If you can't tell anything just don't answer...jeez
Cheers Utrecht.
Not much going on this weekend. You may check when they get their page up and running again or find them on facebook, they have updates on music events.
We do have 2 new museums, that opened this year, pretty modern and fun. One is the old tv tower that was completely renovated and the other is the seaplane harbor . From personal experience lunch in the first one was not the best I ever had, to put it mildly. Also check out Hoov in the old town, it has a facebook page also. For nice places to hang out and eat (off the tourist track) and get some bohemian atmosphere I suggest the Boheem!/Boheem.Kohvik.Kalamajas and F-hoone!/pages/F-hoone/146165262101253 , both near the old town. Good food and not too expensive. F-hoone also hosts music events on some weekends.
Hope you find something helpful from this.
There's a lot there, so thank you very much for taking the time to reply with all these tips.
It really is much appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Utrecht. Some people are on their way around Europe or whatever and can maybe come at a later date by taking a different route.
If you have nothing helpful to say, how about you leave it at that instead of just trying to bump up your post count with irrelevancies?
To quote your own words:
"If you can't tell anything just don't answer...jeez"
Words to live by.
zaksame. Did you honestly just book a return flight to Estonia for a few days without checking if there was anything happening there at the time?
Just trying to see what I may be missing Cyberia.
Do you always plan your journeys to the last detail? I don't...
Utrecht. Some people are on their way around Europe or whatever and can maybe come at a later date by taking a different route.
If you have nothing helpful to say, how about you leave it at that instead of just trying to bump up your post count with irrelevancies?
To quote your own words:
"If you can't tell anything just don't answer...jeez"
Words to live by.
About your first sentence: agreed, it might be helpful for others.
The rest: come one, that's so childish, first reply in a way and if others reply upon your answer respond with saying that it's to bump my post count lol I really don't need that and if that's what you think it is, it might be something you are actually busy with. Basically, me and others so I have seen as well, think you give really bad or very general advice which you searched on google, with the same useless links. Plus on top of that, I think you are just very inconsiderate to others in the way they travel and what they like. For example your reply about Zaksame booking his tickets to Estonia. What's that all about? Some people don't plan everything and it's usually for the better if you are really into travelling.
Now if you don't like me as a moderator telling you that, you'd better not turn up here on TP anymore, or instead change your behavior and respond in a way that is both useful as well as giving the impression that you have actually been there. In most replies, it doesn't seem that way. It's not necessary always of course but in your case it almost never seems that way. Think about that please, thanks.
[ 30-Jul-2012, at 08:01 by Utrecht ]

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