Costs of Travelling Europe

Hi there,

'nothing fancy but not share rooms' - you do not want to share a room with your boyfriend! :-)

You cannot have a one size fits all budget per day, per week, per whatever period, as you wish to go to hugely diverse places for expense - from Switzerland to Turkey. Neither can you be helped with your budget as you do not indicate for how long in wherever on your wish list. If this budget includes your transport costs, it is impossible to give a budget as all forms of transport will have a place somewhere in your movements, if the cheapest is required. The more you move the greater your expenses. One peace of advice regarding transport - flights and train transport should be booked early if you want savings.

You also, if either one of you hold Australian passports need to understand the Schengen treaty and how it might impact and make allowances.

I suggest you do as much reading and 'googling' as you can. Come up with an itinerary, post it somewhere worthwhile and let be criticised, advice should come from this.

Having said all this, if you will not have €65 per day for the pair of you for basic accommodation, eating and drinking, site seeing and (a little) evening entertainment only (no movement between locations included), I would not attempt.

Berlin is probably the place to go in Germany, there is a lot to see :-).
To be honest hostels and guest houses tend to be the cheapest options on where to stay but you would need to be careful as to whether or not rooms are shared in a hostel.
I agree doing plenty of research on Google is your best option for being able to set a budget, and as WomBatt said, you cannot have a set day-to-day budget. There will be more you will want to do in certain cities and therefore you will probably spend quite a bit more.

I am very jealous! :-) hoping to do some travelling of the same sort with my boyfriend in a couple of years time. I hope you have an amazing experience!! X

I was inter-railing around Europe last year and budgeted 330 euro a week and it worked out in most places, Paris and Rome for example are very expensive for even basic backpacker accommodation and you have to be careful where you eat and drink as prices double in areas (we didn't realize this and had to run from a bar in Rome when they tried to charge 10 euros a beer!!) ! I'm from Dublin myself and can tell you its expensive! Over all my trip cost 2500 euro and it was an excellent trip!

Hope this was of help!

WOW! Firstly, thank you all so much! I cant believe how incredibly kind you all are to take time out of your day to give me so much information, thank you!

I've been googling non stop all day, I'm so excited. From what I can tell we will have to allow $50,000-$60,000 for the both of us for the full 6 months, I think this will allow as to travel comfortably but still on a budget by the sounds off things.

My three older brothers and parents are all very well travelled and have assured me I can stay with friends of theirs in places like ireland, spain, croatia etc. I think I just need to get over the fact I hate asking people for favours because free or cheap accommodation with "friends" seems to be a real cost saver! Very lucky to have my Aunty in the heart of London and also some family in Ireland (country areas) so that's a big win there.

I'm so excited to start planning all of this and now I have a rough idea of the costs, I can make a budget plan to ensure we have enough by the time we are ready to go. I understand some places will be more expensive than others, we will stay longer in some places, spend more in others. I just wanted to get a rough figure to reach before we head off. I'm anal about planning haha

My boyfriend wants to travel a bit around South America also which would be great but I'm thinking to add SA to the trip, on our budget and time frame may be a little unrealistic!?

KatieW102: You should do it! We're planning 2014! My Boyfriend is off to the World Cup in Brazil first then he will meet me in England and we will start out Euro trip! Although if he gets his way, I will meet him in Brazil and travel a little of SA then head over to England etc. We're doing all of this with a mortgage, I am just the queen of budgeting though so we're good with our money, which will allow us to save enough before we head off!

Again thanks so much for all the replies! One thing I have found since asking people questions about travel, on forums, friends, family etc is that everyone LOVES to talk about their experience, tell you all the details, tips etc.... its just fantastic!


Thanks Edwina88, I intend to :-)!! We want to get moving in together out of the way first then that's our first plan, 2014 or 2015 is looking likely for us, too!!
We have very different tastes and so will be going to so many different and interesting places I really cannot wait!
I am the same, budgeting and planning come naturally to me lol! But yeah, we're still saving and hoping we get to visit all of the amazing places that we want to.

I hope you have an incredible trip xx

We went to Paris last October on a tight budget and even including airfare and staying for 7days and visiting Mont St Michel a must see and going to Normandy to see the D-day beaches and the American Cemetary and stoping in Caen and going to Disneyland Paris for a day we spent about 5,000 maybe 5,500 for the 2 of us and that includes food , hotel, metro and museum passes, tickets to Disney park , Rental car for 2 days, airfare, We bought waters and breakfeast items and snacks at a grocery store and I carried it in a tote bag with us to save on cost and yes we ate at Mc Donalds a couple of times and a Subway subshop had other cheap food items to save on cost . It can be done but Paris is pricey. We went to Italy on a cruise and had large slice of pizza, drink and Gelato for 6 euro at a little pizza place down the street from St Peter's Basicalla in Rome. Mc Donalds in Paris for 2 combo meals was about 20 bucks us. I would love to take 6 months that would be so awesome. I travel ever chance I get. I did alot of research on line and get the Rick Steves travel guide books he gives you great info and how to do it on a budget and to avoid lines and so much more also like the DK travel books as well.

Costs of Travelling Europe

Costs of Travelling Europe

Costs of Travelling Europe

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