Hi my names ricardo I'm a 21 year old male looking to go oz for work for a year.. Been on gap360 and spoke to the lady on the phone and they do a great deal for getting you over there for £599 they sort you out a visa and you get to stay with them for 7 days in a hostle and they take you out to beaches and all the local bars and strips flights are around £750 to £850. They sort you out with a bank account before you get to oz and you get a oz sim card they get you a job and help you with your cv and help you find accomodation.. She worked it out for me that I would need £2250 and I'm all ready for oz that means my flights + visa + a week with them in a hostle free off charge and £1000 savings in the bank.. I'm looking to start work as soon as I can when I get there and I'm going solo hopefully in september sometime don't fancy going by my self buti will if I have to but if anybody wants to come along with me male or female then let me know you can message me on facebook or on here.. My facebook is
I hope you haven't booked this yet, because this is just fleecing you for money. 90% of the crap they offer, you don't need - the rest you can do yourself for free or cheaper. (And here I thought ozintro and ultimateoz were expensive...!)
Seriously: Australia is a supremely easy country to travel to as a backpacker. Arranging a WHV yourself is trivial, setting up a bank account is dead easy, same for getting a tax file number. If you need step-by-step instructions, just ask. We give them all the time on this forum. You can't avoid meeting fellow backpackers in any hostel, and booking one which appeals to you is a snap as well. If, when in Sydney, you want to go on any number of daytrips or need a bit of handholding for specific things, there's tons of local outfits more than willing to take your money (and your hostel's front desk will be a great source for free advice, too)
[ 06-Jul-2012, at 07:08 by Sander ]
No I haven't booked nothing yet as this is my 1st time traverling.. But I thought that was pretty cheap seeing as some people bring thousands of pounds with them?.. What do you recommend then?
Sorry didn't see the rest of your post lol

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