95% of multitools are 95% useless for 95% of backpackers. Do you really need to tighten a Philips screw or a metal file or a socket set or a Robertson head or an eyeglass screwdriver when you travel? Most people would answer, no.
Multitools are fabulous for some people, but most travellers are much better served by a simple folding knife, a cork screw/bottle opener and a little roll of duct tape and maybe a tube of crazy glue. Consider your needs carefully before buying yet another gadget.
Have fun.
I agree - the most I've ever REALLY needed is a bottle opener or a knife. And both of these are pretty easy to come by if you don't have one. Travel light.
don't you consider smartphone a tool with multi utility ??? calls, emails maps, internet, caclulator... what else you can think of..
oudies, in English the term multitool generally refers to one thing, something like this: http://www.leatherman.com/
If you're interested in all sorts of gadgets like smartphones, etc. then it would be better to re-word your question.
Have fun.

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