Hey guys
Was wondering if anyone had any ideas/thoughts on places to work outside the UK!
I am 26 now with plenty of retail experience, aswell as having superb people skills, i would be interested in doing any kind of work!
I was also a student for 2 years and have qualifications in the Travel & Toursim industry!
Does anyone know of any travel companies that are recruiting, or advertising work overseas?
I appreciate and feedback guys
Australia and New Zealand would be the obvious choices. You are well within the age range to get a visa easily for both of these countries and as you have plenty of work experience you should be able to pick up work fairly easily.Cruise ship work could also be a good option especially with your experience in retail.
You have lots of options all over the world.
Look into Working Holiday Visas.
They are easy-to-get one-year working visas for travelers under a certain age (generally 30ish), and as a Brit, you would be able to get them for many countries like Australia, NZ, Canada, Japan.... Usually you can only do them once per country (sometimes extendable), but you can hit many countries before you are 30 and work for a year in each. Once you have a working holiday visa, you are free to travel around and pick up random jobs, and it sounds like you shouldn't have a problem finding service type jobs in touristy areas. Picking fruit is also a popular option. On my working holidays, I picked apples and cherries in NZ, cleaned hotel rooms and bartended in Australia, and ran a youth hostel in England. Many Brits find themselves working jobs in ski resorts in Canada.
Another popular option is teaching English. You'll find Brits all over the world doing this, especially in places like Korea, Japan, and other parts of Asia. Do some research and you'll find tons of options, though some of them may require getting a TEFL cert.

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