We're planning a round the world trip but we're not sure whats the cheapest and easiest way to go about it. Here are some of my questions:
Where to book?- I.e who with, and online or in person?
How much to save? - daily budgeting for different countries, the possibility of working in some places when we're shortof cash, etc?
Best routes to take?- we are interested in pretty much everywhere other than Australia, and we've already done south east Asia.
Any help/ advice much appreciated!!
Pick up Daily Mail this Saturday or The Mail on Sunday. It has a travel section with a number of companies which do RTW tickets, and you can chat to some very knowledgeable people who will help you decide on an itinerary and work out prices with you.
RTW tickets work on you travelling in the same direction all the time, and you can have overland sections where you make your own travel arrangements. You also book side flights to places you want to visit off of your route, with them or with others.
I found it a lot cheaper to fly Down Under via Asia. Going via South America another time added substantially to my bill.
You really do need to decide where you want to visit first then come back here and ask more questions.
Consider travel insurance. It's something people hate paying for but hope they don't get their money's worth out of it.
Your main cost will be travelling. The cost of living in much of Asia is fairly cheap and much of South America is not that expensive either so maybe more time in the third world than the first world.

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