I'm going travelling for as long as possible leaving this October, my plan WAS to do roughly 3 months in Thailand, roughly one month in Bali and then several months travelling/ working in oz until i run out of money. I'm coming to the point where I need to start booking flights and sorting out visas but I'm really struggling whether I am making the right decision as I have never been to any of these places. I have a budget of around 8000, should I go to Thailand or oz first?! And I'm going on my own. Any help is VERY appreciated!! Xx
hey Rosie
im in the exact same boat as you im not sure if im making the right decision but its something i will be doing regardless im also traveling alone but just Australia. I am sorting my visa out at the end of this month and booking flights the following month. every time i think about it and that's everyday ha ha i get nervous due to the fact that im traveling alone and its a scary. if we can help each other out in any way then we will just keep posting on here. Thanks
hii Rosie
if i was you id do Thailand first then Aus an visit Bali later on.
My reasons for this are;
its always cheaper to fly East than West, so i presume your from Europe so flying to Thailand and then onto Aus will save you many pennines
Also while you're in Thailand you its preety cheap so you can not eat into your money much, stay in beach shacks or known hostels for as little as a few pounds a night..
Use hostels all the way and try hook up with a few people on you're way around
FOOD FOR THOUGHT( make sure you have 5,000AUD when you get to Aus ) As the working holiday visa requires this amount to gain access.
Another point is Whilst your in Aus many Ozzies go to Bali for their holidays, you may make friends with them and its a good place to buy cheap clothes from when you need to replace your bikinis you've had on every day for a few months! ahha
Hope this helps :D Holly xx
Arw thank you so much holly that is a massive help! Sounds like your talking from a lot of travelling experience!? I know how you feel Jordan I spend all day everyday at work just day dreaming of the day it finally comes!! X
haha exactly!! I work nights and thinking about Australia is something i do most nights from getting of the plane to enjoying the sun just everything about the place . Where in oz you thinking of starting?
Think I'm just going to work my way up from Melbourne to cairnes gradually, I have a friend in Perth but not really sure about travelling all the way over to go there. How about you??
ha ha well Perth is were im starting but would like to be in Sydney for NYE! are you going to Australia or Thailand first? because if your going Thailand just to travel and not work make sure you don't over spend if that's possible i don't know what its like over there x
Oh that's cool how long you planning on going for? Well I'm still abit unsure what to do first hence why I have bought my ticket yet but I think I am going to do Thailand first just because its cheaper there so I shouldn't spent TOO much where as if I go aus first I'm scared ill spend it all!! Xx
Yea but you can make a lot more money in oz surely? Im planning on staying for at least a year or maybe 2 all depends. It's a very daunting but exciting feeling but its reassuring that everyone is feeling the same xx

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