Worldwide travelling experience

Hello fellow travel enthusiasts, I am looking at booking a trip around the world seeing some of the worlds most amazing sites and attractions. I am currently on a travel and tourism degree and would love to see what those wonderful attractions look like in reality instead of a text book. Myself and my boyfriends were looking to go in a year or twos time and would love some advice on other peoples adventures and maybe what not to do etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You may use to travel Nigeria. One of the coolest place to be travelled. I am still waiting for the opportunity when it will come on my life I don't know but Yeah! I wish I could. There are some amazing Nigerian fall which you can watch...I just love this place.

I guess you have to go Miami, because there are beautiful beaches & sunset otherwise very good places for travel & behind this suggestion my major thing is you have to going with your boyfriend so it is very romantic & beautiful place in world.

[ 11-Jun-2013, at 07:22 by jacklevis09 ]

Open ended questions like these are always really difficult to answer usefully (except, I guess, by spammers attempting futilely to appear legit before dropping their spam-payload :/ ), particularly without any information on what it is you like. Travel is much more about doing than about seeing. For example, me, I'm mostly about hiking, gorgeous vistas (ideally as the reward of the hike, knowing that the only way to experience that particular sight is through the effort I put in), sunsets and sunrises, seeing how a landscape fits together by really exploring it, and photographing the highlights of that all.
Someone else would be much more about the culture, or the history, or the people, or the thrill of adventurous activities, or the wildlife, or, or, or... And even though all these interests could bring you to the same places, what you'd do there and how you would enjoy that would be radically different.

Of course, it's possible that you don't really know yet what's most important for you in travel. One of the things long term travel (as opposed to a short vacation) tends to do is to bring this into clear focus, as you have a really extended period of time without any of the constraints and expectations of everyday life. So, my first recommendation is to allow yourself to change and discover what you actually care about in such circumstances (though this goes noticeably more slowly when travelling together with someone else compared to on your own).

My second recommendation is to make certain that when you're travelling, you're doing so in a manner which is sustainable over the long term. That means, don't cram too much into each day and week and month, but allow lots and lots of empty space and time, to be filled in on the spot, so that you can always take a break from things when you need to let your mind process all you've seen and done so far without feeling guilty about missing out on the stuff you had planned to do.

My third recommendation would be to make the outline of a plan on where to go next, so that you always have something to fall back upon when you just want to move on, but to leave this outline very sketchy, and feel free to always deviate from it on the merest whim. Opportunities will come across your path at unexpected moments, and following up on them will frequently lead to unexpected and wonderful experiences.

Don't be too dazzled by "attractions"; it's frequently the mundane that you'll remember best years later. Yes, the Opera House is a cool building, but what I remember best about my first time in Sydney is lounging about in the hammock on the rooftop of my hostel, enjoying the warm air, and my first walk along the waterfront, hearing a loud screeching noise up above, and seeing a sulfur-crested cockatoo majestically wing its way across the harbour. Those things are like pigeons in Australia, to be found everywhere, but for me, at that point, it really drove home where I was, and how lucky I was to be there and experience that.

You may use to travel Nigeria. One of the coolest place to be travelled. I am still waiting for the opportunity when it will come on my life I don't know but Yeah! I wish I could. There are some amazing Nigerian fall which you can watch...I just love this place.

This post made me laugh!

Hi Bonnie,

check out this website for on going blogs, it's a site we used when we did our 12 month round the world trip for keeping in touch with friends and family.
There is masses of information on it.

It will probably give you some great ideas and sort out the things you want to do on your travels.

Travel is a very personal experience what one person may think is wonderful someone else may find boring.

Best of luck and keep safe out there.

One of my fave things is postcard diaries. I purchase a postcard, write as much as the day’s activities as will fit and mail one home every day. It’s a combo souvenir and keepsake journal that details what happened every day (or however often you end up mailing one).
Have a safe trips.

Worldwide travelling experience

Worldwide travelling experience

Worldwide travelling experience

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