hi everyone. i'm going to Paris, France in June. i'm worried a bit because i've heard so many things about French, especially Parisians, being very rude to foreigners.is that true or just another generalization? what can i do to avoid meeting rude French?
You're going to Paris and this is what you are focussing on?
They are not the most friendly people in the world, but I wouldn't call them rude.
It's really not an issue.
I apologise in advance but this is just an asinine question.
Paris is like every other big city such as New York or London in terms of the people. I lived in Paris for a year and loved it, and did not have any problems to speak of whatsoever. On the contrary in fact the people were brilliant and the city was amazing. Make an effort to speak French, no matter how poorly and you will be fine. Now if you walk up to people and simply speak to them in English, that may annoy some. Same as if you were in New York and someone assumed you spoke Spanish. The French people, and in my opinion Parisians especially are good natured with a touch of well-founded self-confidence.
thanks for the reply james.
of course that's not what i'm focusing on! i was just wondering, that's all. i think anyone would rather meet friendly than rude people.
I apologise in advance but this is just an asinine question.
Paris is like every other big city such as New York or London in terms of the people. I lived in Paris for a year and loved it, and did not have any problems to speak of whatsoever. On the contrary in fact the people were brilliant and the city was amazing. Make an effort to speak French, no matter how poorly and you will be fine. Now if you walk up to people and simply speak to them in English, that may annoy some. Same as if you were in New York and someone assumed you spoke Spanish. The French people, and in my opinion Parisians especially are good natured with a touch of well-founded self-confidence.
that was a very nice reply, thanks
my French is poor, but i was determined to speak it as much as possible when i'm there. i guess that was a plan
Hey,don't worry like that!French can be rude,but first:not all of them.Second,as everywhere,with anybody,the attitude of the one you face depends on yours.French have a lot of stupid rules to keep "correct",which if you break too much you will find a rude partner...For example,never use Fu*k,it's common in america,but VERY rude word in france.But as long as you keep "correct",you will find no problem,people are always excited to meet foreigners,especially in Paris.Also I advice u to well express you are Canadian(that is,not american),for some people have some anger against USA since the last world stories.
And YES,speak your french,however poor it could be,you will see smiles,and your accent will make women shivering...
i went to Paris 1 time, and on the way there i stayed the night in Riems France, i got maced the 1st night i ever spent in France
the people who did it were prejudice-against-americans f*ckers!
We managed to side-swipe a police van in Paris a few years ago, the cops just gave us an hour to get out of the city, (which was v.cool of them).
Yet on another occasion we got no help from the locals trying to get out (must remember to take maps with me next time).
I agree that you must try to have a go at speaking french, it goes a long way.
Like all big cities friendlyness does take a back seat to a certian extent, but I don't think it any worse than Berlin, Rome, New York.
The French, and especially the Parisians, are in general more rude than what I'm accustomed to. They even look grumpy, for some reason. And speaking fluent French, which I do, is not a garantee to good treatment, BTW! I distinctly remember a waiter giving me attitude for not using the "proper" term for herbal tea (obviously the French term is the "proper" one and the French Canadian term is just gibberish). I'm not an exception - I know quite a few French Canadians who went to France and got attitude from the French because of their accent. France is a beautiful country, but I must admit that their rudeness (not all of them, fo course) is a real turn-off. I know that we bump into rude people everywhere in this world, but from my experience, they're more concentrated in France.

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