joshglaser has indicated that this thread is about Bolivia
Best to book your buses when you get there, no point booking them over the net.
Any buses which give you a cama (bed) seat should be good to go with.
I traveled with the bus company CATA between Buenos Aires and Mendoza. I did this trip overnite and I managed to get a cama seat. It was a great trip.
Then from Mendoza to Cordoba I traveled in a daytime bus with CATA and got a semi-cama seat which was not as good as a full cama.
A couple of other good bus companies in Argentina that I traveled with were Andesmar and Mercobus/Plusultra. But my advice would be to book these when you are over there, not on the net in advance.
Spend a few more days in Mendoza and Salta, maybe only a couple of days in Cordoba.
Im travelling in Peru now and I have done most of my journeys with cruz del sur. From Puira and Tumbes in the north down to Arequipa and Lima, Cusco, they have a good range of cities to travel between. They are abit more expensive then other companies but are very safe, they give you tickets for your bag, and they are very comfy. Most of the journeys include food too, which is nice.
Dont know about Bolivia, going there next.....
Have a great trip!!
Can also recommend Cruz del Sur. Travelled with them a few times in Peru. Ormeno are another good company.
I crossed from Peru into Bolivia with San Luis, and I found them slightly less comfy than the others, but still fine. Im travelling to Potosi tomorrow night but dont know who with Ill get back to you and let you know how that goes.
Bus fares are inexpensive and its worth paying the extra bit for a semi-cama (espeically for the overnight journeys)
For bus travel in Argentina, I must just warn you: avoid FlechaBus! If you book with them, they may betray you and sell you a ticket which is actually a bad quality local's bus for most of the way and only a small part of your trip then in an actual Flecha Bus. Of course for the price of the full trip in FlechaBus...
This happened to me, when I was booking a trip in the FlechaBus office in La Quiaca going to Salta. I had to spend over five hours in a cheap bus (Arco Iris) with neither air conditioning nor bathroom and only the last two hours were actually in a FlechaBus. When I protested before boarding that I had requested a trip in a FlechaBus, the staff at the FlechaBus office told me that I would be changing from the cheap bus into the FlechaBus after 15 minutes. Well, this was a pure lie!
If that's what you're looking for, well, then you sure can book with FlechaBus...
In Peru, I can really recommend Cruz del Sur, reliable and safe. Ormeño seems to be good, too, but I could not online book with them because their website requires Flash which my iOS devices do not support.

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