We want to buy eurail passes, but not sure if we qualify(must be residents for less than 6 months). We have New Zealand passports.but UK visa (working holidaymaker)that were valadited on 17 july 06(we will start using rail passes in May), We have done a lot of travel in that time,but generally based in london. Does this make us Residents for the 6 months?,I dont consider my self a resident..... apparently the first conductor we meet will check our passports to confurm we qualify(do they do this?,any one used eurail pass?)
With everything I have read, I have understood that Interrail is for European citizens and Eurrail is for anyone else.. So you should be able to just show your passports and get a Eurrail pass, right?
Hi Tim,
Yes you are eligible for the Eurail pass. You just have to be a permanent resident of somewhere outside of Europe, which your NZ passports will prove. Even though you have visas for the UK, that doesn't make you a permanent resident of the UK, so you should be fine.
Yes, anyone living outside of Europe can buy a Eurail pass and get some great savings. You can buy it on their website or give them a call. You choose how many days of travel, pay via credit card, then the passes (with a European train timetable) are couriered to your address in about 2 business days. I had it sent to my workplace address. I did this last spring and was very impressed with their service (traveled through Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic). When the train conductor walks up to you on the train you just show your passport and Eurail pass.
Petra M, Vancouver
The problem is that our working holiday visas were validated on the 7 july 06?,also they will be delevred to our address in the UK? ,Im just checking, I dont want buy them but them then have them taken away on the first train ride because we arent valid!!
Did you buy them through the www.eurail.com web page? (are they safe?)
Do you reckon it saved you money?
Also can/did you use the passes to catch ferry form italy to greece? is this just for the deck? can you upgrade?
If you have been in Europe since July 06, you are residents of Europe. Residency is any stay lasting longer than 3 months. Your Working Holiday Visa is proof of your long-term stay in the UK.
You can only buy Eurail tickets outside Europe and they are usually not delivered to European adresses. Better have them mail towards a relative in NZ and then have the relative send you the tickets, if you really really want Eurail.
My suggestion: Get Interrail.
[ Mar 11, 2007, at 8:30 AM ]
interail for two months £810 , eurail for two months £400........
Do you reckon they will check them on the trains?
Hi again,
You can buy the eurail pass in Europe from STA Travel. Normally u can only buy them from outside Europe, but they have an arrangement with Rail europe that means they can sell it to you.
You just have to go into a branch and they can send it either to your house, or you can pick it up from the branch within a week.
I know lots of ppl on working visas who have done this, and its fine.
thanks ill go and see them
thanks for all your help
You might have already figured this out by now, but if not here it goes. I have a US passport and I live in Basel, but I want to buy a Eurail pass.
I went to the STA travel here in Basel and they do not sell Eurail tickets.
I contacted Eurail by email and they informed me that I could have it sent to Basel only if I ordered by phone (1-888-438-RAIL). Also, there would be an extra 60 USD for international shipping and it takes 5-7 business days.
So I opted to buy my pass online and had it sent to a friend in the US (Eurail provides free shipping if sent in the US). My friend will send it to me in Basel for maybe $4.00! A little more hassle, but it takes about the same amount of time if my friend sends it right when he gets it.
k sorry so long, but i hope this helps someone!

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