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its not that diifficult/dangerous as you would think just like anywhere keep your head up don't be stupid and yol will be fine. most travel agencyes offer boarder runs into myanmar
Well, Lonely Planets TT just says its not
possible to cross the Bangla/India border
with Myanmar, but I've read about people who
have done it. I am presetly in contact with
the Myanmar government and I hope if I get a
visa from them, it should be easier to get the
permits in India to travel to the north east
The mountain passes are there, the roads are BAD
(thats what my road map says) so its just a
political obstacle. I guess it will be possible
if I knew where to ask for the permits and visas,
we all know its very different depending on which
diplomatical office you're trying to get your visas.
Tylerjames, you say that because you've done it? I would
appreciate any details on this, via PM or email me
Theoretically, it is possible to get a permit 30 days in advance from the Myanmar consulate in Kolkatta with the submission of a detailed itinerary. Some people cross illegally but its a dicey area to play around. Let us know if you get the land crossing permit..
its not that diifficult/dangerous as you would think just like anywhere keep your head up don't be stupid and yol will be fine. most travel agencyes offer boarder runs into myanmar
doing a border run and entering the country overland for onward travel are two completely different things.
You can't travel to or from Thailand to Myanmar overland as far as I'm aware (the only way is to fly). There is a lot of tension between the two countries, resulting in the border area being completely closed off to foreigners. You'll find this is the case around all of Myanmar's border regions. Just take time to read up on what exactly the Burmese government gets up to in these areas and you'll soon realise why they don't want you there.
The Myanmar/India border region is extremely remote. I believe it is easy to simply walk into Myanmar across the border in many places, simply because it is so remote.
However if you attempt to travel throughout the country without the necessary entry visa and stamps I would suggest that you'd be asing for trouble.
Good luck and let us all know how you get on!
Entering from Thailand, border crossing is allowed, only border check point area nearby, tourists must check out from entry point where they enter.
At the moment, entering from north and going out from south is not permissiable in Myanmar.
For any further information I recommend Green Leaf Travels & Tours
Overland travel to Myanmar from India is possible via Manipur. The package should be in group. There is not instant visa issuing facilities on the border. For which we will have seek approval from Yangon by submitting scan passport and photograph only than they will issue the visa on the border. The whole process is initiated by Diamond palace tourism in Myanmar side and Indo Myanmar Fraternal Alliance, Imphal in Indian side.As there is no any immigration office on the border in Indian side, District police Officer acts as Immigration officer too.
The journey is possible but demands a little lengthy process as of now.
Hi there,
We did a private caravan tour which started from Thailand, crossing to Myanmar then entering India. Our transit trip in Myanmar was of 04 days which covered Myawaddy, Nay Pyi Daw, Monywa, Kalaymyo, Tamu. We booked the trip via -snip-
From the beginning to the end of the trip, we were quite satisfied -snip-
Hope this assists!

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