Hi all,
I am curious as to the craziest festivals people have come across on their travels in Europe. I don't mean music festivals but things like 'The Worlds' Biggest Liar' festival in Cumbria, England. Or the ClauWau in Switzerland, a festival where teams of Santas compete for a big cash prize.
In Ireland we have everything from pig-racing to bog snorkelling and some other rather strange ones besides.
I'd be interested to hear what's going on out there.
Thanks guys.
I'm bummed. You didn't want to know about crazy N. American festivals.
World Championship in spitting a cherry stone: in Düren, Germany during the "Annakirmes" every year late July/ early August.
The next one will be held Sat, 31st July 2010 from 15:00 to 17:00 hrs
[ 01-Nov-2009, at 13:10 ]
Has anyone been to the ClauWau in Switzerland? It's a Santa claus festival where teams of wannabe Santas compete for a grand prize.
It sounds kind of fun.
This thread reminds me of when my friend told me she went to a cheese rolling festival in the U.K. this year. Apparently, they throw big rolls of cheese down a hill and run after it... To be honest, I'd rather eat it!
In Germany they also have the every year, no need for me to enter that .
And Isa, I would be interested to hear about crazy N. American festivals!
I've always liked the festivals/championships in Finland:
Sighosoara festival, Transylavania. Not the greatest you'll ever do, but 3 days long and 100% free. Cheap beer, OK music, glorious weather (Romania is Europe's sunniest country) and endless fun.

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