Has anyone seen, or checked out, the new Olympus Hybrid? It's a compact with SLR facilities.
Not sure myself, so looking for opinions without turning the thread into a promotional.
Obviously no interest in that 1.
What about the new Lumix from Panasonic that does video in HD.
Just looking for some inspiration for my next compact.... Thanx.
I can't comment from personal experience but it does get an excellent review .
Also, the Canon G10 has had great reviews and I have a couple of friends with one who are very impressed with it. I'm thinking of getting one myself as I've had a play around with it and it's a great camera. As the G11 has now come out I'm hoping the G10 may come down in price.
[ 30-Nov-2009, at 12:48 by bex76 ]
My opinion is, (by the way, thanx for that) compact cameras are going to be the way forward for quite awhile before the manufacturers get D-SLR right. D-SLR is progressing so slowly compared to compact and I've noticed that both Olympus and Canon monthly magazines have started showing many more pictures in their competitions taken with compacts than they were this time last year.
Thanx again for your post.
My opinion is, (by the way, thanx for that) compact cameras are going to be the way forward for quite awhile before the manufacturers get D-SLR right.
I agree - I've been considering getting a DSLR for a while, but having seen the pictures that cameras such as the G10 can take, I'm wondering if a DSLR would really benefit me at the moment (as I'm relatively new to photography) and obviously a compact is so much more practical to carry around.
D-SLR is progressing so slowly compared to compact and I've noticed that both Olympus and Canon monthly magazines have started showing many more pictures in their competitions taken with compacts than they were this time last year.
There's a good reason for that, BedouinLeo. The higher end DSLR's are tools used by the pros. Pros are obviously reluctant to take risks and experiment. Happens in just about every technical field. That's why some amateurs make better art than the pros. Unfortunately, compacts are mass production items and will suffer the associated quality problems due to that. Still a good compact, when used with knowledge can be a great thing !
I agree - I've been considering getting a DSLR for a while, but having seen the pictures that cameras such as the G10 can take, I'm wondering if a DSLR would really benefit me at the moment
The best pictures taken under the best conditions form a bad criteria to compare cameras on; it's how much you can still do with the camera under less than ideal conditions where you'll start to see the difference. The G10 has limitations such as becoming very noisy when you go up in ISO because of lack of available light (even more so than compact cameras usually have due to their small sensor size), and (like all compact cameras) has noticeable lag between pressing the button and the photo being taken (plus reportedly it's also quite slow with focusing). These problems are (to some degree) pretty much inherent in compact cameras, and will make a rather noticeable difference when you start using a DSLR. But of course, there's the rather powerful portability argument.
(The new Olympus E-P1 and Panasonic GF1 with which 'BedouinLeo' started this thread with are very interesting experiments in finding an "in-between" way, with their micro four-thirds lens system and larger sensors (if not as large as DSLR sensors), but based on initial reports, I'd wait for the next generation before seriously starting to consider them.)
Nice post, this one.
As I've said previously, I have a Nikon D-SLR kit with all the extra bits and pieces, but so very rarely use it. It does very little more than my 2 compacts (soon to be 3, still can't decide on which one to get) except take 4 fps and has slightly better clarity on the zooms/telephotos. The difference is so minimal that it's just not worth all the lagging around, when I can fit 2 compacts around my neck along with the chargers and not even notice that they are even there.
[ 04-Dec-2009, at 00:35 by BedouinLeo ]

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