Q2. Where should I fly to in South America to get a good round trip, definately to include Peru and across country to Brazil and Buenos Aires. I see some good threads on South America so intend to research more. I really just need a flight plan that makes sense.
And finally from South America to home
If you go to Auckland you can fly to Santiago in Chile, then you could travel overland through Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and where ever else you may want to go and fly home from Rio or Sau Paulo.
I'm doing that but the other way round.
Enjoy your trip
Cheers dogbarker, things are changing apace as I'm sure you can imagine. I have been advised to travel around SE asia rather than travel on up to Hong Kong. I will now be continuing down through Bangkok down to Singapore now. Regarding South America, I have two option, either Sydney to Buenos Aires or Auckland to Santiago. I think I might fly to Santiago and trip across if I have the time. My priority will be to travel north as it will be July-Aug and thats wintertime. How this will affect my trip there I'm not quite sure. What has peoples experience there in winter been?

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