Hello gang,
here's one that might get us thinking...
The best thing that I have seen from an aircraft window that comes to mind was in Alaska. I was a passenger on an aircraft that was flying along the terminal ends of glaciers. This was during the late summer or fall. The combination of textures and colors was amazing. The ancient ice has the most incredible color. We were able to see moose too.
I have 2 favourites:
1) Crossing the Alps flying from Milan to Zurich in winter, not long after sunrise. The vast rolling mountain range was snow-capped and it was such a clear day that the view really stretched for tens of kilometres, if not more (I'm no good in estimating distances from the sky). We were flying quite low too, that I can see chalets and ski resorts here and there. It was breathtaking. It was a shame that was back when I did not have a digital camera, and my attempt to photograph what I saw with my APS camera failed to turn up nicely.
2) On the sky passing the southern parts of Northern Territory in Australia, our co-pilot started giving us a "guided tour" of the views below us, including Ayers Rock and Lake Amadeus.
Tough one here, can't choose so I will post the best ones, in random order
1. Sunset plus fantastic thunderstorm over the Philippines (flight Brisbane - Hong Kong)
2. Last half hour or so of the flight from Madrid to Santiago de Chile, over the Andes.
3. Domestic flight from Tahiti to Mangareva, 4 hours southeast with many atolls below me
4. The Libyan desert (flight from Nairobi back home), with man-made canal and circles (don't know what exactly) easily seen
5. Domestic flight Manaus to Tefé over the Amazon Basin
6. Domestic flight Darwin - Cairns, with tremendous views of Arnhemland and northern australia.
7. Flight from Antigua to Montserrat in an eight seat plane next to pilot
Probably will come up with more, but these come to mind first!
[ 10-Nov-2009, at 12:09 by Utrecht ]
In no particular order other than first sighting:
The Rocky Mountains as I flew into Denver for the first time. (I'm from Minnesota.)
Lake Pontchartrain (Louisiana) because it had electrical poles cutting across it.
The Caribbean as I visited MoBay for the first time. (I love the Caribbean.)
The Statue of Liberty as we landed at Newark Airport on our way to Dublin.
Like Utrecht - there will probably be more...
Gah can't believe I didn't think of my US trips in my earlier post, so 2 more, sort of...
1) Flying from Dublin to LA, when we were close to landing (maybe about 30-40 minutes-ish), I looked out the window and saw . It was pretty spectacular. (I don't quite know which mountain range I was flying over though - so does anyone have an idea?)
2) I went on a Grand Canyon helicopter tour from Las Vegas, and flying over the GC, Hoover Dam, Valley of Fire, then coming in to see the entire Vegas strip - very different views each time, yet all in one trip - I was a very happy girl after that. :D
[ 10-Nov-2009, at 13:35 by lil_lil ]
I've greatly appreciated the Sydney harbour the various times I've seen that from the airplane coming in. Best view will have been the Southern Alps of New Zealand on a clear winter's day when flying from Christchurch to Melbourne, though. Seeing Mt. Cook and the lakes and all those other familiar landmarks. Absolutely gorgeous.
everglades and amsterdam.
Actually I've just thought of this and despite all the great places I've flown over my first flight over my home town in a Cessna was really memorable.
I think it was the fact of looking at a place I've know my whole life from a 'Completely NEW ANGLE' that made the difference. It's like seing another physical dimension of something that had always been two dimensional - if you understand. For example, I know the main street of my town like the back of my hand, but suddenly to see if from the air in realation to the town's other features showed me an almost historical perspective on the layout of my home place.
Enough rambling, suffice to say it was enjoyable.
Oh, and by the way, I always love flying above the Adriatic coast South towards Dubrovnik. Islands everywhere and clear blue/green seas.
Actually I've just thought of this and despite all the great places I've flown over my first flight over my home town in a Cessna was really memorable.
I think it was the fact of looking at a place I've know my whole life from a 'Completely NEW ANGLE' that made the difference. It's like seing another physical dimension of something that had always been two dimensional - if you understand. For example, I know the main street of my town like the back of my hand, but suddenly to see if from the air in realation to the town's other features showed me an almost historical perspective on the layout of my home place.
Enough rambling, suffice to say it was enjoyable.
Oh, and by the way, I always love flying above the Adriatic coast South towards Dubrovnik. Islands everywhere and clear blue/green seas.
Totally agree with this!
Have not flown over my home town apart from in FlightSimulater (boyfriend is bit geeky like that). However, flying into Manchester Airport, you usually fly past, or circle over the Peak District, and to see the huge black peak bog expanses and purple heather of Kinder Scout plateau, and all these other places that I know from hiking there is fascinating.
It always seems to be either cloudy or dark when I fly.

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